Computer Setup


Than you for showing the cabelmanagement and giving me some inspiration.
Where would one get those things that are attached to the walls/desk that hide the cables?
Something like this looks like what op used
Holy moly this is expensive. I payed like 3 bucks for 3m at the hardware store.
Upvote for including link to wallpaper. IMO, this should be mandatory for all submissions.
You speak out of my mind. I wanted to keep the title fitting to the theme of the battelstation: simple.
How has no one asked you about the plant yet? Is it a succulent? Is it fake? Tell me your secrets
It is a Sansevieria and it is totally real. No secrets. :D
OP Also didn't say: "There are many like it, but this one is mine."
What's the specs on the plant?
Mind telling me where the desk is from? :) Looks awesome!
Just a simple Ikea desk, can't remember the name though.
Its IKEA Malm, I have it myself :)
Yeah I have the black one with the drawer and cupboard on one side. Nice desk but its just chipboard under the outer layer so careful not to damage it.
That's my problem with it too. I was thinking about buying some wood and making the exact same desk myself with solid wood.
Looks like it's from the Malm series.
I have it in white, they don't make it anymore.
Conceptually, design-wise, I love it. Ability to work at it...personally I feel like I would be distracted. By the sheer lack of distractions. Would look great in a design catalog. In practice, I suspect it feels a bit like a sanitized, padded cell.
You'd be surprised, it is actually really amazing to work at.
This is awesome! I love the simplicity.
Finally, a place which can truly justify the 'minimalist' adjective being used
I love minimalist setups, but I think I would go crazy with this.
That's a beautiful setup you got there. Just wondering, do you have speakers or headphones you use on that?
The display has speakers built in, and on image number 8 you can see a pair of headphones.
Display doesn't have speakers, currently only running on those headphones.
Hmm, those grills on the back of the display, for cooling then?
If it doesn't have speakers, then what connector is next to the DVI plug?
That's a USB plug for the integrated hub.
Sweet setup! Thanks for the link btw, he's got some nice stuff on there ;o
That shit is serene.
I'd love to go as minimalist as that, but I just can't.
You want to switch out your spacebar? Whats the matter do you not enjoy your feeling? Nice super clean setup
IF you`d remove the plant it would look just like a desk in an Apple store...with PC hardware obviously but the same style.
Fun Fact: The desks at apple stores are actually custom made and are ridiculously expensive (something like $8,000 per table).
Things for businesses/schools are expensive because they get an enormous amount of wear and often have to be custom made by the manufacturer. The manufacturer will then have to be compensated for keeping spare parts and material for these custom pieces, and sometimes providing years of support and maintenance.
Minimalism is something I will strive to achieve while upgrading my current setup.
Gaming setups like this really tempt me to ditch my second monitor, but I don't think I could survive without the extra productivity. Beautiful setup.
Productivity or play ?
Way to call me out, my 2nd monitor p.much is only for web browsing/irc. however, it's only dual 22" 1680x1050, and seeing how amazing this looks going to a single 27" looks awesome.
I've had setups with multiple displays, but it is not for me. I simply cannot concentrate on one thing with one or two other displays in my line of sight.
I couldn't use a keyboard without a number pad. still, nice setup.
Love the cable management and the minimalist approach.. but no number pad and no speakers in my head just doesn't make it functional.
This is by far my favorite gaming setup I've seen on this sub, ever, and I've been on here for over a year. The simplicity is great, if/when I build a better gaming setup, I'm going to use this as a reference.
Wow, I am really honored.
Where did you get those covers for your cable management?
Monoprice also sells cable runways if you want to price shop a bit.
Only 8 bucks for the kit? Holy crap dude, what a deal.
Excellent display choice. That monitor is beautiful.
I'd suggest the Antec P193 for your case upgrade, I love mine. It doesn't look nearly as atrocious as the pictures make it out to be... of course that could all be relative to the condition my room...
I thought of a Fractal Design R4.
Fractals are very affordable and have great quality. I run an Arc Midi myself and don't regret buying it one single bit. It's in fact the best case I have built a PC in so far. The air flow is awesome and there is tons of space for cable routing/cable management.
I'd check out the silverstone ft-02 w/o window. Clean lines, easy to wrap the cables coming out of the top/back of the case, super quiet, and great airflow.
Time to go clean my office!
Clean! It's perfect. I love that keyboard and if I had a Windows PC I'd be all over that shit.
You noticed. For the price Superlux are unbeatable.
Because I had one. :)
That sir is very very nicely done. I would go crazy without having all my work papers stored somewhere on (or very very close to) my desk, but this is awesome.
What keyboard and mouse do you have?
The keyboard is a Poker II, the mouse looks like a G700, but I'm not sure there.
You are right. I also name them in the coolcomputersetups gallery.
Do you "enjoy your feeling"?
I do. The Poker is great. Though I don't really enjoy that spacebar.
Upvote for the CM RC690!
My brain can't handle this level of organization
How is that IPS monitor? I'm thinking about getting the 23" model for my pinball machine.
I just love it. Not anything else to say.
So can you take the pull out panel off the Malm?
Yup. Or, you know, you can just not assemble it.
Yea i though of that. but didn't know if i had to do with any kind of stability.
Nope, very nice and simple desk without it.
It's rather old and not really the heart of the setup, but here you go:
Still a pretty solid system. I love my i5-2500K.
Do it! If you have a decent pair of headphones the STX is totally worth it.
Yeah I've been lurking around head-fi lately trying what setup I want to run, and what headphones to upgrade to.
The AT-M50 are great but they lack a sound stage which is not ideal for gaming (fps for example). If by chance you are in the Washington D.C. area and are interested in a Essense ST or STX i'm selling both, just shoot me a PM.
So what do you do on this computer, other then use Coolcomputersetups?
Because there are no distractions, it is really good for studying. Other than that, nothing much, a little gaming here and there.
Curious, howd you hide your cables and is it easily removable if you have to move your rig?
I have a picture of my cable management in the gallery. I don't move the system much, so that's not really a problem, but it is difficult and a bit of work none the less.
Looking at this makes me calm. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, you should stop, Razers products don't really hold up to their packaging.
Is that the monitor a dell u24 or u27?
Your station makes me itch from the inside.
If Monk had built computers instead of solving murders.
Damn it this is a beautiful setup!
OMG what keyboard is that? I need that In my life
So thats who oems MY rosewill blackhawk1
It is a Cooler Master RC690.
Sleek and beautiful. I can't deal with only one monitor but this still looks really nice :) Good work with the cable management also.
I think I'd sure enjoy my feeling with that build! ;)
Cleanest station I've seen here. Great job!
This is one of the best setups I've seen. I really like the clean look!
Impressed. Cable management is beast. Well done!
I cannot fathom why someone would want only one monitor.
That keyboard seems pretty great
The lack of numpad is really unsettling.
Depending on what you do, the numpad is not used. e.g. gaming, not many games, use the numpad, or certain coding like HTML/CSS you don't need a numpad. hell, i work in it-networking and type in ip addresses/subnets all day and i use the top row and don't ever touch the numpad at work.
I couldn't even imagine using the top-row keys for anything beyond symbols. Numbers are exclusively numpad for me. (I do software development)
That plant is just overkill, dude.
Currently only running on headphones. Good speakers take some much space up :(
I'm guessing you're shooting for bookshelf speakers. Yeah they do take up some room but, you have plenty.
That is exactly the pair of speakers I thought about for a while. Thanks for giving some advice on them.
You can buy for like 10.00$ a small speaker bar you can mount on the top of your monitor. Its not gaming quality sound, but it gets the job done for space / efficiency / browsing youtube and coolcomputersetups. Only problem with those damn things is the cord length, you would need to by an extender, and that just is meh.
Sound/speaker bars or bookshelf speakers are probs your best options.
A little bare, but nice.
Ew the keyboard is so 2004

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