Computer Setup


Is that the Sapphire 7870?
What NZXT case is this?
I have to ask, what memory are you using? I've been looking for a white-colored one and can't find any.
You need to place the Computer on the desk or on a board, right now the PSU is suffocating on the carpet, it is inhaling dust, if you want your machine to last, get it off that rug!
It's actually has quite a bit of space from the carpet thanks to the p410
Still, I know the case, I have its big brother, it's not that the rug clogs the fan, the rug holds soo much dust, no one wants an intake fan on that. I'm telling you this to help, take the advice, prolong the PSU's life a year or two.
Isn't 400W pretty low these days?
Yeah, probably going to get 600+ when I upgrade, but everything still runs fine.
Good idea. Always factor in Capacitor Aging when selecting a power supply.
Is it weird that I get a partial when I see proper, neat, and clean cable management? I'm freaking obsessed with it.
Do you like Windows 8? I use it and enjoy it, but there are mixed reviews.
Its great, don't use start that much, so pretty much the same as 7 but faster.
I have windows 8 as well, and I do like how multitasking works, as far as putting 2 programs on-screen. I'm a sucker for customization as well, so I liked that a bit.
Gotta ask why run dual monitors and not one large monitor and a laptop?
Because it I like it that way :P. Probably going to get a third when I upgrade.
I went to a 1440 res monitor and I'm trying to find the incentive to run duals again vs laptop and monitor .... Thought I would ask haha

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