Computer Setup


:) I always keep my boxes
I can fit all of my boxes inside the box for my case with some careful tetris. I will always keep my boxes in case I want to resell anything.
Nice setup & quite clean.
Thank you, yes my cable management is pretty good but if I had a modular powersupply and a bit more time it would be better. The headset is amazing :)
Can i have the DVD drive? :D
Sure but live in the Netherlands.
Where is the desk from? It's a nice size.
I custom build this desk it's about 3 meter long that's 10 feet i guess It was about 70 bucks to build and it's sturdy In the image the desk looks quite small but it isn't
Cheers for the response, guess I aught to get some DIY skills before I make my new computer setup.
No problem, I made the desk in about 1.5 hour with the help of my 15 year old brother it was easy, but do your homework and measure everything that will save you some time. If you are interested i could make some pictures showing all the parts.
I would actually be very much interested if it's not too much hassle.
No problem I will make some picture's tomorrow ;-)
I'd be interested as well. I understand some people make their own desks, but what material do you use and where do you find it. I'm not going to use a door, and I'm sure Home Depot doesn't just have tops like that for desks just lying around.
What case are you using? Nice setup btw!
Thank you ! My case is a Define R4 made by fractal define from sweden

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