Computer Setup


You should look into getting a machanical keyboard! Typing feels so much better on them and they're a lot more durable too. The folks over at r/mechanicalkeyboards would probably be able to help you a lot!
Thanks! Funny I have a co-worker that was saying that exact same thing to me just the other day. We are in IT.
Make sure that you don't get one of the clicky switch types. Your co-workers will come to hate you very quickly if you don't. Unless you have your own office in which case, click away.
Why yes it is! Good eye! We have a Leopard Gecko in there. All of Coolcomputersetups will be happy to know that our IT department has fondly named him Bacon, because everyone loves bacon! He is our department mascot!
Thats a really decent sized setup for a leopard gecko, way to go
Nice station, what are those monitors?
Nice Setup! I like the way you have everything tidy and in place :)
It's funny I had my monitors set up the exact same way. People would come over and act all blown away "WHAT IS THAT!? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Two monitors was apparently fine, but make it 3 and turn them sideways people just lose their frickin' minds.

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