Computer Setup


Favorite cans/amp combo out of those?
For headphones it would be a toss between the HE-500's and LCD-2's. Both are very good (and overpriced) and have different but enjoyable sound signatures (LCD-2 is a fair bit darker compared to the HE-500).
I love my LCD-2s. I think they are well worth the money also.
I truly hope you'll look back in a few years and say, "God, I wasted so much money on those fucking headphones. I could've fed an entire village in Africa for a year for that money, or taken a few classes in something that could've bettered me as a person."
I'm guessing you've never heard headphones or (for that matter) sound of this caliber.
That's an ignorant thing to say. I used to own a pair of Grado RS1i's but I sold them a while back when I realized what a horrific waste of money it was to be an "audiophile". You'll understand when you grow up.
Really nice images, sick gaming setup.
Thanks for the complement.
Which is your favorite pair?
My two favorite headphones are the HE-500 and LCD-2, they are both very good.
Going off what you listed here, you might like Bonobo or Clams Casino, but you probably already know of them.
Bonobo I've listened to, Clams Casino I have not. I'll have to go search him up.
And you linked the Morrowmind soundtrack earlier before...
The Uncharted series is one of my fav's, I bought a PS3 this year just to play the third one (sold my old PS3 last year before I moved here). Never thought of listening to the OST, I'll have to look it up.
I'm a recent PC-switch, but Uncharted is one of the best games I've ever played. Its like a movie.
That's why I love them, the actual gun play and mechanics aren't amazing (definitely not bad) but the atmosphere, story, and art/level design are just stunning. The first one was decent but the second just blew my mind. Can't wait to see what Naughty Dog puts out for the next gen consoles.
The third one is great as well. I won't be buying the next consoles, but I really hope to be able to play it some time. What impressed me the most about Uncharted is the storytelling and the overall feel of the game. Naughty Dog does a great job at indulging you in the game.
Since nobody has mentioned it yet, solid choice in beers.
Union Jack is a mighty fine beer.
Speaking as a fellow audiophile, I highly recommend you pick up a pair of Grado SR60/80i's. They're OUTSTANDING, the stupidly open design gives you so much depth to the sound. They're great if you live alone, as they bleed a lot.
Thanks for the suggestion but I have actually tried out the SR60's (not the i model) in the past and wasn't too impressed (the treble was a bit harsh/bright for my tastes).
It seems we've got pretty similar tastes in sound signature, I can't stand Grados for the same reason.
I like them both, the LCD-2's I find are much better for EDM (that sub bass is freaking awesome). HE-500's are probably more of a good all rounder, they do everything pretty damn well, but sometimes I just want that darkness. Comfort continues to be an issue on the LCD-2's though, generally not a big deal but the clamp can be annoying at times.
I'm really wanting to sell all my other headphones and get an LCD-3 but the comfort is what really worries me. I don't remember them being too bad but I only had them for 2 days while I decided if I like them or the HE-500s more.
Maybe consider the HE-6 as well, it's supposedly pretty phenomenal when amped right.
I was thinking about building a KGSSHV because they're apparently FANTASTIC
Unless you're really fond of bright headphones there's not really any point picking up an entry level set of Grados with all the gear he owns.
Is that a TV I presume in the first pic?
Yeah it's a TV, I use it as a monitor (cringe if you want). I wanted to experiment this time with a gaming setup that was an island and I knew I'd need a big screen to go with it. Settled on getting a Panasonic L47DT50 (got it on the cheap) and it's pretty decent. Response time is acceptable when switched to gaming mode, and I seem to do just fine on BF3. I also like it for sim racing and watching movies (I can just lax back on the arm chair).
I like the way it looks. It must really be nice for just relaxing gaming. Where you headed to?
What kind of cables are you using with the LCD-2s?
Google says 1k for just the wooden headphones. what in the fuck?
Rather puzzling isn't it? Seriously though, I got a bit carried away buying the LCD-2's (it was one of my dream headphones). If you want something similar for considerably less, the Sennheiser HD 650 is a very, very good deal (still quite expensive, but honestly it is worth it).
Yeah, headphones can get expensive. My Stax SR-Lambda's were 2000$ at the time.
Nice! I'm gonna have to try out some electrostatics at some point.
May as well go balls to the wall and get the Blue Hawaii :)
Hah, if I won the lotto. That would be my dream.
I didn't build it (though the Project Ember is a pretty easy build). I think my next project is going to be either a Bottlehead S.E.X or maybe give the Beta22 a shot (looking to try out a balanced setup).
Think about the nicest home surround sound system. Now shrink it to fit it over your ear. Thats why. Kind of like laptops if you think about it. Ps (I'm aware that enthusiast speaker systems are waayyy expensive, I was going for mainstream systems)
They're electrostatic, meaning they're not a speaker like you are used to seeing. Electrostatic headphones and speakers operate on a completely different and more advanced principle than conventional "dynamic" or "moving coil" headphones and speakers. Now, allow me to geek out a bit.
Well you'll DEFINITELY think I'm crazy then...
That's how much upper-high end headphones cost. Those are some of the best in the world.
Because you can feel like you're in the recording studio.

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