Computer Setup


Nice setup. Where did you get the PhillyD sticker?
My sister took me to VidCon and they were handing them out. Good times
So lucky. I would love to have a philly d sticker.
OP this is one of the sexiest gaming setups I've seen on this sub!
I think your room is at least 2x as big as my old dorm room
What type of desk is that?
What type of desk and speakers are those?
The speakers are Mackie HR824 and I got the desk from coaster. I would advise against getting the desk because it's plastic wood that is already falling apart after 3 months
Nope, that's just for one ;)
I suggest you don't google genelec's then.
They're studio monitors, designed to deliver accurate sound .
What's your ecig setup/ juice?
I have an MVP and a protank. My friend actually creates my juice and it is the bomb!
WASHED OUT 4EVR. Seriously some of my favorite music. And oh yeah, nice room!
Nice DELL AT101W. Black Alps are one of my favorite switches.
Dude, my laptop's name is Atlas! Do you name your other devices after gods?
Dang that's a nice clean setup. Mirin hard
Good job, you have zelda.
This is very nice man. I'm very jelly
Weird question but what size bed is that
Odd question...are you a kid who's living with your parents? Or someone who's living on their own? a 23 year old....I want to get a house with a similar room. Cause my duplex room isn't close to that size. Haha.
I'm actually between colleges and I'm staying at my dad's for a year or so. These are also his speakers

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