Computer Setup


That's a bad ass 360
I like your build and your cablemanagement seems sublime. But your harddrives are a real clusterfuck.
Thanks man, sorry about that its because the spec was copy and pasted from my steam profile :)
Why the 2 ssds and not one big one? And why the two smaller hdd and not one big one?
Shot in the dark but probably a raid 0 setup
Did that SteelSeries headset come with the LED built in? I was about to buy that one for my brother and didn't know it had those LEDs.
Its the limited edition frost headset, the mouse is matching too :) The normal versions don't have LED's
Thanks for clearing that up :)
How strong is the headband? Is it metal tubing? I need a new headset sooner or later and I'm so god damn tired of every headset having a plastic headband that snaps with the force of an infant tugging on your finger.
Boogie bug Extreme, overclockers UK also sell their own branded ones, they are amazing and last ages, aswell as covering up most of your desk! :p
I was thinking of getting that mouse, would you recommend it ?
Definitely :) Really simple but its perfect.
I really like the white theme you got going on. I'll probably do the same thing with my next computer. Those NZXT cases really look sick!
Do us a favor, Steam games...but never use your webcam and don't talk during gameplay. I wanted to watch people play that new batman yesterday but 90% of them were "watch my face" and they wouldn't shut the hell up half the time. pathetic...
You realize a LOT of people watch gaming streams for the streamers, right? They don't go to watch the game, or if they do, very little of it. They want the personality behind the mic.
Exactly. I usually couldn't care less about the game, I could just play it myself. I go there for the chat interaction and human entertainment. It's nice to listen to somebody blab and crack jokes while I browse the net or play a game myself.
No, No I dont.
Well, now you know! ;D
Oh i've known all along, but there's a few guys who actually just like streaming so people can watch. personally, I don't care about hearing someone chat the whole damn time about how much this sucks or how great they are. most of them are college drop outs or "pro gamers" as if that's a thing.
Some "pro" gamers make six figures a year. That's the definition of professional
What are your two monitors?
I like the cult logo on your wall.
Hey, does the pop-filter do a good job of filtering the noise from your mechanical keyboard (assuming it is mechanical)?
Answer this! People rage at me because they can hear my keyboard and mouseclicks with my snowball.
Where did u get that MW3 poster/artwork? It looks custom! I really want one
How is streaming with the 3570k? I have one myself but I've always been told the i7 is the clear choice for streaming.
Upvote because of the cult wall :)

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