Computer Setup


Can I have a link to the background on the right monitor?
Could I also have a link to the one on the left (/top)?
I'll link you the whole album! GW2 has some amazing artwork!
Thanks! I don't play GW2, but their wallpapers are amazing.
Very nice, love that flooring.
Parquet flooring is actually very common in Sweden. I guess that's because the cheap wood?
Have an bookmark for the Ikea!
Well, when you live in Sweden...
Nice use of confined space while keeping it cosy and functional. Giving me good ideas.
That's really what it all comes down to acctually. We live kinda small, and our apartment is not very well thought out...
What brand/model is the chair on the right?
I wish I could tell you. Basicly it's the only thing not from IKEA, but from a store called "Jysk".
I have the same wallpaper as you. I guess that makes us part of some club. Or not. Probably not...
Eh, sure. Why not.
Where did you get the thing covering your coffee table? I like how it looks
My wife says it's from "Saga Form", A local Swedish business. :/

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