Computer Setup


"Gaming setup" ??? Really? Why did you even bother? Whats special about this?
Dude, it gives me my amusement. I don't have the cash for anything else. My "MP3 Player" is a Droid X, which is a hand-me-down. I'm sorry I can't afford anything you think I should be able to. I don't have a job right no, but I'll show you my plans in an edit.
I've got no issues with the hardware you have, or what you can afford. I'm just surprized why you would post a pic of it to a sub that is for cool setups. IE something special.
Jesus, no need to be a dick. In the Subcoolcomputersetups Rules it clearly says "No personal attacks". I'd consider this a personal attack.
I'm not too concerned. It gets the job done with the money I have.
I really like your monitor. Care to give me model and manufacturer?
Acer X233H, but it's only available used...
Here's my planned machine when I have the cash.
Just a heads up, OSX is going to be a problem to get to work properly on an AMD build
Thanks for the tip. My use of it would just be editing software, but I'll see if I can get it working. I might have a job at panera soon.
Oh and don't get the corsair dominator ram, not worth it.
Recommendation? I'm trying to stay with Corsair as much as possible, and I want matching looks.

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