Computer Setup


Looks like terrible ergonomics with the monitor placement and all
I can't imagine how anyone could sit down and actually use that computer.
Am i the only one who actively rests my feet/legs on top of my computer?(dont remind me that i need dust filters...)
Good way to generate static and also potentially damage your hard disks if you bump the pc with your feet.
I've done that before, but have been stopping myself lately. It can be comfortable, but I do worry about damaging my computer. I doubt I would, but it's always best to be safe. :)
I have this desk. Solution, tower to right or left side of desk, small ottoman where tower is. Boss ass comfy.
Seems pretty dangerous having the PC tower in the 'splash zone'
I laughed way too hard at that
Why is your (computer) keyboard perpendicular to your monitors?
Yeah, the ergonomics on this are a nightmare!
My neck hurts thinking of sitting there. I had a similar glass L desk and got tired of the middle not supporting weight and not being able to sit facing the middle.
I move the keyboard depending on what im doing. Its pretty comfortable actually
I meant your typing keyboard. the one that glows.
You need more practice at the range.
Yes, yes i do. :(
What kind of monitors are those?
I love all of it but that keyboard, which one is it?
Why does everyone in coolcomputersetups own this desk.
Awesome! Love the Spy vs Spy wallpaper.
Nothing has made me want dual monitors more than this site.
Well, I guess I know what I'm doing this holiday season... I've been meaning to upgrade for a while now anyway. This is just the final push I needed. Thanks!!
Thankyou so much for this site, I have been looking for a good site for forever
I do not know why you were downvoted for this.
So much clutter tho :(
Would you recommend it? I've been looking into getting something to archive vinyls for a while.
Its pretty good. Comes with usb cable to backup all of your vinyl.
Nice! I really appreciate this kind of setup. Do you have a soundcloud?
Great site, and I would love to hear your stuff!
What PC case its that? It looks great!
Upvote because I have the same case
Looks awesome, I am a huge fan of the glass desk. Small thing, I have been warned, and like to practice, not putting my computer directly onto the carpeted ground. I currently have a custom cut piece of wood under my tower.
The computer is sitting on plastic coasters so it sits off of the carpet
Well then, take my +1 and be done with you lol
Nicely done. Can you tell me the model of your (PC) keyboard?
Where could I get a desk like that? I'm out of space. I can't really upgrade my second monitor due to it.
Ah that's better actually. Thanks a lot!
I really need to unsubscribe from this coolcomputersetups. You all have so much more stuff than me!!
I have that exact same desk. I absolutely love it.
I have two of those monitors as well :)
How do you not knock over your case when switching from mixer/keyboard to keyboard?
There are two bars to the sides of the case that keep me from accidentally hitting it. Its never been an issue
Noticed after asking. Nice setup
I really like the keyboard & PC case. I wanted to get a white one but every one I came across was made of super cheap looking plastic.
That glass desk though.
Where do you put your legs
I have the same m-audio rig, it's alright :)
I have this exact same desk, and for the life of me can't figure out how to have the piece with the top shelf put on the other side of the corner....
The side he has it? or the side he doesn't
Basically it's setup exactly like his, only the top shelf you see on the left side of his desk is on the right side of mine.
Shakes head angrily... I wish I was drink. I understand it now. OP help out! Maybe he just used the 1 on that side.
Been a while since I put mine together but I do seem to remember getting pissed off at some point and drilling more holes.
It's actually an ion. you want to know what the difference between that one that says Numark, and the one I have that says Ion, the stickers.
That Spy vs. Spy background is sick.
I appreciate a good desk when I see one.
Oh man I appreciate this so much.
Not sure which ones you are talking about so ill tell you both. Audio Monitors - Samson Mediaone BF4 Display Monitors - AOC 12367F
Put something under your PC to keep it off the carpet, like a piece of wood or something.
Nice very nice indeed! . What's the MPC studio like ?. Been battling over what to get , that or the Maschine.
I really like it. I actually bought it because of a recommendation from a friend that used a maschine. Included software works a lot like ableton. Keep in mind, I know nothing about ease of use playing live with the mpc studio tho.
What computer keyboard is that?
Did those studiophile av40s blow electrolytic all over themselves yet? Or do you have the newer models (without the bass boost switch on the back?)
So close to perfect, need to attack those cords
You and I have the same desk!
How badly does your neck hurt after using this setup?
Holy shit. I have the same desk. I also have 2 monitors that are in the same spot!
What is the name of the that PC case? looks awesome.
Much thanks! i am actually in the process of buying a computer and i was looking for a bad-ass case as the mighty ACTS 840 is longer in service. I think this will be my successor!
Oh wow I have that same exact desk, how can you stand having your legs spread apart like that? I tried setting up like that once, and 5 minutes later I was changing it back.
Spy vs Spy AND an MPC, FUCK yeah this is awesome!

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