Computer Setup


Just curious, why do you prefer standing to sitting? To each their own, I guess - but there's nothing like coming home to my gaming setup and sitting on a cozy chair.
I also have a tall drafting chair to switch to but the reason I switched to a standing desk is because I was sitting for most of the day and I didn't want to deal with the possible health risks. After a couple months of using a standing desk my body got used to it and I'm more comfortable standing than sitting.
I don't do it with my home PC, but have a standing desk at work. You can actually feel less tired and sore in back and joints. You stay alert for much longer. Your feet do get sore though, so I go for quick minute walks around the building every so often. You come home and feel tired, but a good tired. Your body feels healthier instead of fatigued and ill. You become accustomed to standing and find yourself moving around and doing things more often.
Good for the posture, sitting for long periods does a number on your hip flexors.
I've had jobs where I stand all day on concrete, jobs where I load things all day on asphalt, jobs where I walk all day on dirt or rafters, jobs where I sit all day and answer phones, jobs where I sit all day and troubleshoot. It all sucks, but I'd much rather sit and be able to get up and walk to the coffee machine.
As an office worker, if you've been sitting at your desk for 8 hours, then you either drive or get the train home, sat down. The last thing you want to do when you get home is sit down some more.
This is easily the dumbest thing i've ever read
Why is that? Makes sense to me.
I would also like to see some sources for this inforgraphic....seems kinda.....fucking rediculous....
The sources are listed at the bottom of the infographic.
Care to elaborate on why you think this?
Because when you tell me something like, "If you watch 3 hours of tv a day AND exercise you are just as fat as people who don't watch tv and don't exercise," it makes me question everything else in this inforgraphic. Especially when half of its sources are news outlets. Those are not sources, those are people who claim they have sources that your now using as fact.
Standing desks are just another ridiculous fad diet. The claims about sitting killing you are based off of a bunch of heavily regurgitated correlation studies. If you exercise regularly and watch your diet, sitting is not going to kill you.
As a fitness junky I'm pretty aware of that, I just wanted to hear some actual reasoning behind the refuting statement than just "this sucks" because that's honestly not very useful commentary for someone who might not know why it's supposed to suck as an information source.
I'm a health/fitness/nutrition junky as well.
Yeah, I can see the absurdity of the standing desk (market) if you don't purposefully spend 12 hours a day staring at a screen. As someone who chooses work that necessitates a computer workflow all day, I like to mitigate as much 'damage' that 'can' be done by sitting. That said, it's ignorant to think that a standing desk will compensate for poor diet and exercise.
I would kill for that desk. I have a jury rigged set up using monitors on a shelf that are a little high when sitting and a little low when standing (monitor height can be adjusted quite a bit).
I think that's common sense though. Like, if you're sitting for several hours, you should be getting up often to walk around or stretch out, do a few squats here and there. I just don't think it's worth it to spend money on a standing desk just so you can justify spending more time in front of the computer. Go on a walk outside or something and get some fresh air.
Damn, those monitors look nice, is the bezel really as thin as it seems, or is there still a black edge inside of the screen?
I guess that's to be expected, still really nice looking monitors
That's a good looking setup
What are you using to hold that think pad?
Wondering the same. Want to do that to my thinkpad too.
Could you please link me to the laptop/notebook.
+1 for the laptop choice. I love my x120e and it has gone through a lot of abuse without any issue.
Comfiest things I ever purchased. Tied with my Ducky Mechanical keyboard for best purchase for my build. So fucking good.
Yeah, I agree so comfortable. I just wish they picked a different color scheme lol.
I actually nearly bought them instead of the 558's purely just on the colour scheme! Instead I got the 558's and did the black tape mod.
Really? I actually really like the colour (personal opinions welcome though ofcourse). My only issue is how much the headband protrudes in its shape, kinda makes it look weird if you wear them in public.
I know. But they are just so god damn comfortable.
I know man, I've got DT990's, I wish I would wear them in public.. Sooo comfy..
The old 595 model looked way better. Still have mine. Love them to death.
Finally, someone else with a choc mini
How do you like the AOC for image quality and monitor performance?
It's my first IPS panel so I don't have anything to compare it to but I'd say that they are okay, nothing really to go crazy about.
How much was it I cant find the price they had it as
Not too bad might have to pick them up
Can you give a little more information on how you attached your computer/speaker to the bottom of the desk? I have an adjustable desk and am interested in mounting my computer underneath so that there's less cables to move up and down.
Dat cable management. beautiful setup, +1 for standing
Where did you get the cable management tray?
I love how you documented the whole process of the build? do you have a full album I could see? also what camera?
I like the look of that desk. Do you have any information on how you built the legs? Are they just normal, easy to find pipes?
Yup from Home Depot, they will even cut them to size for free.
Is the pipe different than the black gas pipe that is typically covered in that greasy black shit?
These were painted black and they weren't covered with anything.
What are you using for the top of the desk?
Are you using the subwoofer with just the headphones and no speakers?
There are two speakers attached to them, I posted pictures of it in another post here.
Deeewwdd, That's a nice-ass setup. When I grow up I want one just like it! How'd you get the idea for the tie-down straps holding your tower and what-not? I'd love to mount mine under my desk like that!
Lol, I got the idea from looking at a lot of pictures of different desks, I'm really not sure. Home Depot cuts and threads the pipe for you for free. According to an employee there, I didn't need to get mine cut as they had the perfect sizes for me.
Which ThinkPad is that? (I have the X230T)
I would love a table like that. Any way you can give a tutorial on how you built it? Thanks.
Where'd you get the countertop? I'm assuming the desk is custom.
Yeah the desk is custom, got the counter top from Ikea for ~$80.
What did you treat the wood with to get that color?
Ikea has different types of butcher block countertops, mine is oak. I just put a coat of mineral oil on it.
How old is that laptop? I mean, it looks pretty outdated, yet you're still using it... is it outdated?
I actually have a Lenovo computer... I guess I just haven't ever seen the Thinkpad.
Maybe 3 years old, it might look old because it's a Thinkpad and they have a generic business look.
Forgive me if i sound rude but what is the appeal of them?
The appeal is that Thinkpads are some of the most durable and reliable notebooks you can buy, and the price is very reasonable on them too. As well, they offer a really good array of features and customizability that cater more toward power users than most other laptops.
^ what he said :P
Hahaha, sorry about hijacking that question.
Thanks for the input, i see them on coolcomputersetups a lot and always wondered, i have an alienware m14x as my primary station, but its not portable(very heavy) and gets really hot due to being for gaming and being a laptop, if i ever want something more portable i will honestly probably go with a thinkpad.
My foreign exchange student who stayed with me for 10 months had an Alienware m18x that I had to dive into a few times. One of the biggest differences between our laptops was the feel of quality. While Alienware makes pretty good stuff, it immediately feels cheapened when juxtaposed with a Thinkpad. The Lenovo has absolutely no twist in it because of the magnesium frame, the hinges feel incredibly solid, the soft-touch plastic feels great, the keyboard is nice and easy to type on, the lid's latch is solid. It's just a well engineered product that I really can't recommend highly enough.
I bought my m14x laptop about 4 years ago as a freshmen in highschool, i had just gotten into gaming on the pc with a very shitty computer i bought in 7th grad(all with money i worked at a gas station and some other stores for)
They serve different purposes. I was just using Alienware as a base so you could get an idea of the level of quality. I think if for some reason I was going to buy a gaming laptop I would seriously consider one. That probably won't happen anytime in the near future, however, as I'm quite happy with my desktop.
Aw yeah fellow G600 user.
How're you liking it? I read a review yesterday that essentially said it makes wired mice irrelevant because it has up to 250 hours of battery life and can go all the way up to 500Hz polling rate but I'm still sceptical.
The g602 is hands down the best mouse I have ever used, wired or wireless. I got it because of the performance and endurance of the specs but damn is this mouse comfortable. The only downside to the mouse is that it doesn't have hyperscroll but I can live without it.
I'm building a desk similar to yours. Where did you get the pipes for the legs?
Could you explain your mic setup? I've been thinking about getting a nicer mic for use with VoIP programs but I really want to set up a shock mount and such so that noise from me bumping my desk or other similar sounds don't come through.
This mic is probably one the best price to performance mics, from what I heard or read about. From my experience with the mic, it is outstanding.
Good stuff. Love it. I used to stand as well. Good core and burns around 800 calories in an 8 hour shift.
Is that a KBT Race I see? If not, what keyboard is that?
Why the laptop all the way to the left?
I think standing for long periods can be just as bad for you
I'm aware of that, I also sit using a tall drafting chair.
What do you use to mount your laptop mid-air like that?
This looks like my ideal setup, nice!
Can you share that Nintendo wallpaper and what mouse is that?
My feet hurt like no tomorrow when I stand for over 2 hours in any location. And I have to pace back and forth nonstop, even if its just in place. Work is a nightmare because of this, and I've been looking for a job where I can stay seated.
Well having a standing desk doesn't mean you have to stand the whole time. A standing desk accompanied with a tall chair or an adjustable desk is optimal.
Looks great, very nice setup. I've dipped in and out of having a standing desk at work, but prefer to sit at home when playing. I'm assuming this is mostly a work machine?
Can you link to the monitors on newegg or amazon or something? They look really nice! Awesome station. I was thinking about creating a standing station. Any advice?
LEGIT as FUCK! Kudos good sir!

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