Computer Setup


Ah, the old apple sticker on a pc case.
You don't actually have them all set up next to each other like that do you? I don't understand why you would buy a Mac just to surf the internet when you have a gaming computer and really powerful Macbook already...?
Well actually sir, the iMac was purchased first, and macbook later, as my old macbook died.
I just don't understand the motivations behind having so many computers. I feel guilty sometimes with just my laptop and desktop, would be smarter to just have two screens...
Good deals neither of the macs were bought new, and only have about 900 in the both of them. And not to mention, the whole right side is work stuff, Its more screens when it comes down to it, the PC runs as a media server, which sometimes is used for gaming, the reason I have two monitors is because before june of this year, was my only computer, with a 7 year old macbook. Ive been very fortunate in the last couple months to upgrade to the iMac to have a more personal computer, and the macbook pro to have a computer that I don't have to sit at a desk to use since I am already there for 8-14 hours a day.
If it works for you, fair play :)
Yeah as stated in the album that is one section I seriously need to work on, both under the desk, and cable management inside the PC, but this was setup in just a couple of days, kind of a last minute thing.
The subtle difference in color temperature in the 4th pic annoys me
Oh I have that case and their ain't nothing good about it
What issues do you have? other than not having anywhere to hide cables, I like it and haven't found any problems
Honestly that was my big complaint is it's so tough to hide cables. That and maybe I'm just an idiot but I still have yet to figure out how to take the front fan off. It's as if you can remove the front of the case or get to it.
Nice station, bit messy though :*(
I know... I literally got my promotion on a Thursday, Friday they said hey you are going to WFH, so haven't had much time to get every thing settled thank you though.
Thanks! Congrtas on your promotion and good luck :)
212 on an A4? A little overkill IMO.
Where can I find that batman wallpaper?
My company offers a WFH program as well, I can't wait to eventually take advantage of it. Nice gaming setup!
Good thing you got 16gb of RAM on the iMac.. Always sucks to run out..
I know right, who wants to run out of RAM. Lucky to be fortunate as I am.

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