Computer Setup


What is your job?
Highschool Job's I had that paid well
You can distribute alcohol legally once you hit 18 in the US (or at least my state). I actually didn't bartend in HS but after I worked my barback position for a few years they gave me the option to bartend for a little my freshman and sophomore year of college.
He said barback, not bartender. Barback is who cleans up bottles etc around the bar and brings out clean glasses and stuff like that. They don't serve alcohol or anything like that as a barback.
He may not be from the US?
He's using American dollar signs.
Which are also Australian Dollar signs.
Some places allow you to bartender if you are 18. A place near me allows you to become a bartender at 18 so long as another worker in your vicinity is 21 or older
Da fuq 50-100 for mowing a lawn? shit I got 20 ... fuck!
Two sticks of RAM disappeared.
His mom took them away for bad grades.
Lol Funny. No, I added 16 GB later down the road, images just aren't in order.
Glad you can take a joke :) nice build
That's really cool. Is it weird though playing Skyrim with the borders between the screens?
3 monitors = no problem.
Not really, When you are playing you don't really notice them.
So, which is better: portrait or landscape? :-)
I personally like landscape, If I had 5 monitors I would like portrait lol
How different is it playing a game on portrait and landscape?
Pretty different, landscape makes you use your peripheral vision a lot while Portrait just makes a huge image with a slight curve around you.
Got specs on the system?
I7 2600K Asus OC 660ti- I lack a bit on this but it is overclocked and runs my games just fine. I can't afford another GC right now but when I can, 780ti here I come lol Asus Maximus V Extreme Motherboard 32 GB Corsair Dominator Platinum Ram H100 Liquid Cooling All inside a Bitfenix Colossus Full Size Chassis
Dominator's with a 660ti, lol
Since your doing multi moniters make sure your 780ti has 3gb of ram or higher.
What's your job and how can I come work there? I'm in high school and dead broke!
I am an ARA at Geek Squad. Only IT-esk job I will get in High School so don't hate. They pay well. lol
Okay, cool. how much do they pay?
how much do they pay?
I make around 27k a year.
27,000 / 2080 works out to ~$13/hr. But, since he's in high school and probably isn't working a full 40/week, it's probably more. $26/hr for 20 hrs a week or more likely $20/hr for around 25 hrs/week.
Damn thats a well payin job for his age!
That's if he is able to work 40 hrs a week, which depends on his schedule @ school, and if they allow him to work 40 hrs a week.
I make $12.50 and I work around 35-40 hours a week. The 27k was a guesstimation.
That's a thing? Must be new. I was a CIA during college for a few months before graduating after my help desk job got cut from the schools budget. All we had was a DCI, CIAs and Counter Ops. Small store though. CIAs practically did everything from sales in every department to in depth repairs to working the customer service desk. They gave us a whopping $10 an hour in an area where minimum wage was 7.25 an hour and shit hours, but it was better than nothing.
ARA is a CIA, new terminologoy lol Advanced Repair Agent.
Mind telling me how the hell you got a job at geek squad? I've applied to multiple best buy positions and I'm in college, and I can't find anyone to hire me.
Thanks man, One application does it all. It goes to every store in that district. What I would do, is apply, call and see if they are hiring at the location you prefer and if they are not call the next one. The one that says that they have a position available, ask to talk to the DCI (Geek Squad Manager) or the General Manager, just tell them you applied and that you would like the opportunity to work with computers for a living and just ask him when they are planning and hiring and things like that. It plants a seed in their head that you are a person that would like their job and would do anything to get it. These are the people they like. Best Buy, as a company, has terrible turn over rates so definitely do this, it works. I did this to get a Sales position when I first started and I was the first to be interviewed out of like 10 people and got hired almost right away. Good luck man. Hope you get it. Ignore the Geek Squad hate. They presume all the technicians are stupid because they don't want to pay what Best Buy charges for repairs.
Thanks for the advice friend, may I ask what state you're in?
Same here man :) I was a CA for a Year and just got promoted to full time ARA now that I graduated. Good money for someone as young as me.
That's awesome dude, I went from Computer/Tablets Sales Associate to ARA.
That's great for you man. I got hired 2 years ago when I was 16 as a PCHO Associate. Went to GS counter ops, CSA, CA, part time ara to full time. Been a long road but I love it still. Sweet setup man and good luck in everything!
Aka retards charging ridiculous sums of money to run "virus scans"
Okay. Then don't go there. It's funny you are calling me a retard, you probably work at McDonalds making minimum wage and doing computer stuff on your spare time. Well I am doing it for a living and I am excelling in what I do. Could care less about what some dude says on Coolcomputersetups to be honest.
Wow. now that is how you deal with hate. i would give you gold if I could
What's the resolution on those Samsung monitors? Maybe even post the Newegg/any product page for them, thanks.
They are 1080p I think they are a Best Buy exclusive... S27C750
Thats why I bought em. They are sweet.
How well does a single GPU run 5760x1080? Seems like a bit much for a 660
It ran it quite well, I had to lower Skyrim and Far Cry to high to get around 40 fps but it does it quite well. I rarely play in that resolution but my card is OC'd by default and I tweaked it to as much as I could get it. Does pretty well. 660ti is a pretty good card man. I thought about upgrading but right now it isn't worth the cash as this card is doing well for me.
Im currently running games on 5760x1080 with a gtx 770 SC and i have all of the settings almost maxed and im at
Is this your bedroom? Or an office that you took over?
Nice, so different orientations for different purposes? (and even different games).
Great build man! Just wondering, what sleeved cables are those?
You lucky bastard! I have a job, and I wouldn't be able to buy something like this without sacrificing my college education...
Fuck you, My pants are full of jelly now :(
So how much weed do you sell on average?
Cool I have the bitfenix colossus white with blue led's. And yeah I agree, having been a highschool student with a job, not paying bills or buying your own food paying your own tuition really lets you spend your money on the things you love :)
Fuck you and your magnificent gaming setup.
The Story so Far poster, Counterparts on youtube. This could be the shittiest battle-station and you'd still get my up-vote. Dope build.
I was only dealing narcotics in high school and managed to afford a VCR.
Should've bought a car. Ass is better than video games in high school.
Buy food, a gym membership, and take girls on lavish dates.
This is wrong. You can have sex in highschool without taking anyone on a date, you can't lift all the time, and your parents buy you food.
As a high school student I agree to this statement
15 years of playing video games here, highschool included in that window. I dont regret a damn thing about it. I got enough on top of my video games.
I don't want to be "That guy" but I have no issues with getting girls.
I wasn't saying you wont. Guy was saying you'll regret it. I played games all through highschool more than I got out the house and six years later Im not regretting a thing. Most my friends in highschool gamed online with me. Dude is just trying to make ya feel bad for doing what ya love.
I gotcha man, Well thank ya.
I don't like people like you.
I wasn't talking to you?
What in the world are you talking about? You can play video games, have a girlfriend and a social life.
Any time spent enjoying yourself is not a waste or anything to regret. But, if you really feel otherwise then i have advise for you; Get off coolcomputersetups and do something constructive, you'll regret all the time you spend commenting on other people's posts.
I regret every minute.
IDK man, most uncomfortable place is the backseat of a Volkswagen.
Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? They're a little melty but damn are they exquisite.

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