Computer Setup


Where can I buy that headphone stand?
What amp is that? I just bought Shure SRH940's and am looking into an amp for my desktop. Do you like it?
That's a Schiit Lyr, and it's vastly overkill for your headphones as it costs more than your headphones, which seem to be easy to drive at 42 Ohms and 100dB/mV sensitivity.
Ah ok, you seem like you know what you are talking about, what would you recommend for my headphones?
You should look into a DAC. Those have headphone amps in them most often, and make a huge difference in the sound quality of your music. Look into some of the Fiio, for starters.
We all are, we all are.
May I ask where you purchased the table from sir?
I would also like to know this...
He got it custom made, and the wood looks alot different IRL. Source - he posts on /g/ all of the time.
Ah okay, thanks for letting me know
What kind of music do you like?
You should probably cheek out this one band, Pink Floyd, you may like them.
Do you post on /g/
Nice taste in audio equipment.
Finished Blood Meridian about two weeks ago. Very easily one of my most satisfying reads.
Very nice booze collection I see there ;)
Does anyone know what material that desk is made out of
Ah yes. the rare and delicate wood metal. refined from mountain bee's.

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