Computer Setup


This is really nice. What distro? WM? What do you do for a living? Thanks for sharing
What model/brand is the vertical monitor? And why did you choose that one?
It's a Dell E2414H. I didn't have much choice in the matter - some desktops were getting upgraded (and they came with monitors), and this was the best one in the batch that were getting replaced. The viewing angles at this orientation aren't the best, so color representation falters.
Which vertical monitor would you buy if you were buying right now with real money?
I'm a software engineer too, using two monitors. However, mine are both pivoted.
May I ask why you don't have your text editor (main) monitor in portrait mode?
I find the additional space for viewing text very beneficial (these are 24", so 1920px or 173 lines with my font).
I do a lot of side-by-side development (especially nowadays where my work is primarily web stuff), so the horizontal resolution is actually useful to me. I could probably accomplish the same with a horizontal split, but this works with our maximum column length settings.
I see. My monitor is 1920x1200, which gives me in portrait mode roughly 200 columns, so that's enough to fit in two files at 80 columns each.
My laptop is 1366x768, so I mainly have to cope with the drop from 1920 to 768, but no horizontal adjustment necessary. :)
What is that yellow mouse looking thing on the left?
It's a Nokia wireless charger for my cell phone.
I assumed it was this
I assumed it was this
What do you do for a living and is that machine code you are looking at in your middle screen?
I'm a software engineer. In this photo, the middle screen is showing a collection of terminals that are monitoring various system logs and stats (useful when I'm testing and running code). When I'm not doing that, it's toggled to a view that has my text editor for coding.
That's really cool I'm really thinking about majoring in computer science and going into software engineering, so it really awesome to see what some of the professionals work with when it comes to there set up!
Nice mouse, dawg. mx518 represent
Word. It hasn't let me down yet.
Das Keyboard Model S (w/ Cherry MX Browns).
You use what I use as backup mouse, great work station man
On Google campus? which bldg?

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