Computer Setup


Damn, son. I'm 25 and still don't have a third monitor. I save up but something always happens! Nice set up.
They're all just from my dad's work. He "needed" them for "work" purposes. And the third monitor is really useful, especially when running linux for terminals.
Can't edit things in my phone apparently. Anyways whenever you do get that third monitor make sure you have a active display port adapter otherwise it won't work.
Out of curiosity why didnt you put the ssd's in the hdd mounts? More room than in the side of the case. I have the same case, i love it.
Well I the top hdd cages in before but I opted for more airflow since I can do this with it. And yes it is an amazing case.
Nice i got the same Mobo, CPU and GPU only OC edition
OC edition? Mine came with two bios's and one was already over clocked.
For me it was a choose between normal, oc edition and dual vapor or something i dont remeber exactly.
Ohh ok. I got mine on sale so I just got what I could.
For me the pricedifference between normal and of edition was only like 20 Euro
Biggest upgrade for me was SSD and asus 144hrz monitor. Mind you I have a i7 4770k and 670gtx.
They really are. When I was messing with linux I cloned my ssd over to a hard drive and booted that up to make sure it worked, it was so terribly slow.
Hey, you said that the extra computer is running "#!". Care to explain what that is? I tried Googling it, but got no results.
Non matching memory looks weird.
Yeah but it was free and easily over clocked to 1600 so I can't complain.
What part of the AMD proprietary drivers are you having trouble with? I had to do a couple setups earlier today with them and I might be able to help out.

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