Computer Setup


Dat fap roll disposer though.
Which made an exit for the last pic.
That's why the bucket and cleaning spray made an appearance
And there's an arse crevice in the beanbag.
I have a feeling that their daily orders are about to triple.
This is a brilliant stocking-stuffer for any PC gamer. Also that audio clip...
I didn't know what to get my boyfriend for Christmas but this is actually the perfect thing. He is getting a new gaming desktop mainly to play counter strike and this is definitely a necessary addition
I claim credit for it.
Alright, should I send you the card to sign too? I think it would mean a lot to him if it's from both of us
How did you... not manage to realise the gpus weren't plugged?
It's okay, friend! That was merely a joke!
Ooh... I was about to ask you how the heck did they work because I as I know they aren't supposed to work without power. But I believe there are a few video cards that can work without power connectors at lower speeds.
Honestly I do not wish to talk without proof buuut.... I remember there were a few 5xxx cards from Ati that could work without extra power but htey were running low.
They're plugged in pic 4...
Dual 770's, im not jealous...
Yeah, this noob can't even render 3 Pixar films at once.
Where does one get a GG button?
This is the only thing on my mind right now
My bad. I couldn't see it
Did anyone else sit here for 20 minutes before they found Waldo?
I sat here for 20 minutes and didn't find waldo.
I think you owe it to yourself to connect a good set of speakers and a reviver to that setup. :)
Thing is I never use them. I'm always equipping my headset. I really don't like playing with speakers. Funny story, the speakers for my TV don't even work. I haven't bothered to buy a receiver but I was all "them speakers right there would look good right there and maybe one day inspire me to get the fuckers going". Yeah, no.
It's not a true masturbatorium until you add an Oculus Rift.
444 games on steam. I can't even name 444 games. I can't even name more than 100 games that I would even bother watching a trailer for, let alone pay for.
I bet a lot of them were from humble bundles/weekly sales. I've bought an entire bundle for just one game and I never play the others, after all I still get my money's worth at $1-$6.
I think it's 411 but your statement still stands true
This is like my ideal setup. Super jealous.
Nice, until you realize that you can get the same for much cheaper. F.lux will do it program wise. If you need glasses, go to the sports section of Walmart and buy hi-vis shooting glasses. They all do the same thing, roughly.
I found f.lux shitty compared to gunnars.
I've got a pair of Gunnar's as my daily glasses as I work on computers and servers for my job. They're not that comfortable for the first month or so but your head gets used to them. As for the purpose of them, they work for a period of time. If I look at the screen for too long I still get eye strain but it's not as bad as it was with normal glasses.
Yeah I wear low level prescription glasses for class and such, but I can play just fine without them, I've just always wanted to try some Gunnars but was hesitant about them
I love that Prodigy case. Awesome set up!
Honestly I laughed quite a few times reading through that! Love it!
How do you have enough time to play all those systems/games? Was it worth the investment in your opinion?
600 credit and counting... worth.
Nice main the build I ordered is literally dual 770's, i5 and 750 power supply.
I've had my GG button for 2 years this coming Christmas. It's awesome.
So basically I am guessing you are a bachelor?
Does the GG button have a macro for pressing enter then gg then enter?
What the other guy said, it's just a battery powered button with a speaker. HOWEVER some Asian fella on YouTube did mod it to do exactly what you said! I couldn't be bothered personally.
Are you missing an SLI bridge?
Nice setup! What chair is that at your desk?
Just one I picked up from OfficeWorks (Australia)
I have a question, are gunnar glasses worth it, or they work? I work on websites all day and do alot of gaming in spare time and sometimes get eye strain and was just wondering.
I commented above but for gaming, I can go a solid 3 hours without having to give it a rest before my eyes are strained. It used to be closer to 1 hour.
Thanks for letting me know :)
I bet it gets hot as a furnace in that
Actually no, it's not hot! My old room was hot, with carpet and smaller, but with tiles and a larger open space it's good! We'll see though. Hot summers here!
Yep, sometimes i wish i had some spare cash as well to replace my current 2008'ish setup with a top notch gaming machine + smaller steam machine to be prepared for all these next gen titles.
Look again, beyond what you see.
Forgive my ignorance, but shouldn't 3 x 1920 = 5760? Where are the extra pixels coming from?
110 pixels for each bezel.
Does the display just pretend the pixels are there and offset the displays from each other? Surely these bezel "pixels" won't have any content?
It actually adds the screen space. It's wide enough to hide desktop shortcuts.
I really want to get my hands of one of these banelings :P
Next Blizzcon have your fingers crossed they sell it again. It goes inside out and becomes a Zergling :)
Ok ok I didnt know that inside out thing now I'm super jealous.
Your case made me wet...
Tv setup is mad sexy.
starts to clap well done my done my good man
This gaming setup is rad as shit... I wish I had one good enough to pos there. I'm probably only good enough for averagegaming setups.
HOLY SHIT... is that a ps2! I love my ps2 but its in the attic and my attic is scary:(
Is there any bottle neck on your i5 with 2 770's?
Not at all! I am looking at upgrading, but to be honest I'm not sure I could be fucked at the moment.
Damn... looks like China farted in your room.
This waldo thing is going to kill me
What happened to your waste basket in the last picture?
It was emptied and placed in the shed.
Which are you referring?
Whoops. I meant the Asus one, in the bitfenix progidy
But you cant see the tv from the bed very well! this bugs me for some reason
That is actually a really sexy station, I also like your humor.
You're my new favorite person op
Title is bookmark worthy. Here you are good sir!
Does the steam machine let you play your steam library on your tv? So could I play Dayz on my tv if I got one?
OP, you're a dick. I spent more time looking for Waldo than I should have......
Okay, I can go with that.
Nice setup, whole thing looks like a hotel room though.
Holy shit. mad jealous of the couch in front of TV!
What is that green case? and OP can fit a couch and massive bed in his room. I got a Single and a broken spine from no room.
Nice room in general, man. Seems to be the perfect setup to me.
Nice garbage can though, in the most convenient location I see!
I like the gaming setup. The only thing I can comment in a sort of "negative" way is how close the tv is to your couch and how small room it is. When you bring home friends, do you all just sit so close to the tv? :)
Not sure why you're downvoted. That was my initial hesitation. I wanted to be able to watch TV from bed and lounge. Unfortunately the desk position isn't negotiable because that's where the Ethernet port is. I may be repositioning in the near future, but honestly it's not as bad as you'd think.
So what exactly does the GG button do? I'm not familiar with it. Some kind of online gaming memorabilia?
I would assume that it tells people 'good game' at the end of the match.
Comfy level is off the charts
Are you serious about the power cables? Man, it's hilarious when people buy high end stuff and then do something totally oblivious like that.
It was a joke. I took that pic when I first got them, and took the photo before I plugged the power in so you can see them in all their glory without big black cables in the way.
Nice setup but I couldn't find Waldo.

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