Computer Setup


I really like this! Hers in white, His in black. Very nice. And kudos for the good photography skills. Was seeing way to many potato shots lately.
Thank you! That's basically what I was going for, haha. His being all black and big and brute, mine being more feminine and sleek. :)
The white is beautiful. Sorry to the bf, but I prefer your station.
Yeah, I like mine better too! :p
The album also includes some pictures of my boyfriend's rig. He built his a year ago and I just built mine. We both saved a ton on Black Friday deals.
Beautiful. I don't see too many white ones in here
Hmm. I never knew that they made an R9 289x... /s
Whoops, good eye. Fixed it.
Her build is amazing. I wish to copy it when I have the money ...and a wife.
This makes me want to replace my whole setup with white counterparts.
Yin and Yang gaming setup? Neat! What lamps are those?
I have the fractal white case. I love the silent features :)
What monitors have the white bezels? I love that look.
And a white router because sleek and feminine is what runs the house.
Got the same case. Thoughts? Oh and nice gaming setup cool b&w effect
I have the same keyboard
That disco lamp thingy. gimme
I have the same case and monitor set up in black! The white looks amazing! Now, you just need a pair of white ATH-M50's and you're set :P
Those are both very tasteful well put-together builds. I have been eyeing that R4 case in white for some time now. My current build is an older 1366 build with an i7 920 and Antec 300, and I want to rebuild with a quiet series case. The Asus monitors with the white bezel really set off your build theme, very appealing.
Check out the BitFenix Ghost if you like silent cases. It's gorgeously designed and also really subtle while having hella room for liquid cooling and the cable management is also pretty great in it.
Would you recommend your speakers?
That white is insanely hot
I am buying those same Monitors (AV40's) how do you like them? I have heard that if I listen to a lot of hiphop (which I do and I am also going to start mixing for some friends) that I will probably need to buy a separate sub woofer as the bass is really quiet in these. Can you confirm?
Yeap, I have them and while I love them to death, they do need a sub for sure if you are listening to anything bass heavy. I am in the middle of saving up for one myself.
I have the AV40's, they are awesome even without the bass. But I recently got a 10" Sub on black friday for $60 and now they sound beyond amazing.
What is the program running in the second last picture of your partners computer? I have been looking for a new media player...
I don't know the one on the screen, but I personally like MediaMonkey, it's not fabulous but it's not bad.
This is so awesome! I really love how you were able to keep the white motif going on with everything, including the monitors. The white monitors look so elegant. It's a shame more monitors don't come in a nice whiter housing like that.
That white define R4 is stunning.
Eudaimonia seems like a suiting name for a computer. You both philosophers at heart? Or just fans of the ancient philosophy?.... Or just a random Latin word you like..?
I like your SO. And now before you go bananas about that, allow me :) She has this killer pc rig and still has the 30$ headphones that I too consider to be the best. So comfy, so light, and very good mic quality, according to the people I Vent with, it's among the best.
I have the black R4 case, I love how sleek the R4s are. Bad ass. The white looks great too, I didn't know they made it in white.
Debezel and mount, the both of ya's! Not sure what to think of the name, "eudaimonia"... That's like naming a scale, "dissoi logoi".
Those dell monitors are great at heating up entire rooms.
What does your SO (the 'his' gaming setup) possibly do with 32GB of RAM and 8.25TB of storage?

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