Computer Setup


Why do you have a GTX 780 and an r9 290x? Do you have two builds?
Unfortunately I bought an R9 290X for myself then my parents bought me a GTX 780 for Christmas.
Why would you leave the 290x. Its not only a graphics card, but doubles as a heater.
I live in the Philippines, it's summer all year long. :(
I'll trade you some of my winter for some of your summer.
You can have all of my summer (Mind you I'm in Australia)
Throw in a couple of 'roo burgers and you got a deal.
Why you made a sad face after the sentence? Shouldn't it be otherwise?
Whilst the 290x gave you frame latency issues, which due you find is more powerful? Just out of interest :)
For that resolution the 290x would be better. Would run crazy hot and loud though.
Gameplay is much smoother with the 780.
Glad I went with the 780 instead of waiting for a 290x :)
People are buying those like crazy because of the current bit/litecoin mining, you could possibly even use the cash for a second 780!
OP, do what this guy says!
I've been trying my luck for the past couple of days! So far, it's a no-go! :(
In the UK they're going for £340 at least and the GTX780 is selling for £380 so you'd be able to fund ≧90% of a new 780! Of course different countries will be different but it should be a good estimate :)
I'll give you 10 euros, final offer.
My understanding was that they had been fixed? Don't get me wrong, I'm not fanboying, I have a GTX 780 myself.
I thought the same that's why I went ahead and bought one for myself...but I learned the hard way :(
Perhaps, unlikely though, generally they only have different coolers, it'd be up to AMD to fix that, either with drivers or architecture change.
Was coming here to say the same, the issues seem to need some hefty if not precise driver updates to wash out the small issues that impact multi monitor setups. However that said, I thought about running a new 780ti or trying a new AMD build.
It's just the terrible reference cooler design, as far as I know.
This is proof of my claims. Thank you for sharing :)
The micro-stutter and latency issues are only in multi gpu setups... in single cards, they're the same.
Unfortunately you are incorrect, I never used multi-gpu setups and I experienced microstutter using a single R9 290X.
I've searched other forums and other people have been experiencing stuttering issues with single R9 290X (clean install) configurations as well.
People always called me crazy for running a 760 instead of a 280X. There's a distinction in power I admit, but damn it IS hot and loud. Personally I prefer cooler temps and low noise.
+1 for you! Glad we share the same sentiments!
Coolest parents ever. Wish I would get a 700 euro card from them lol.
In what games did you experience frame latency? I'm curious because I specifically went with the 290x (2 actually) because it was said to have resolved the microstutter issue, and in fact I remember seeing articles and benches supporting that at the time of my purchase. In my own experience, I have not experienced microstuttering at all.
Thank you sir! :)
You are aware that the whole microstutter and latency issues are only for multi gpu systems?
Dude. I experienced the latency issues and microstutter on a single card.
Can you show actual proof that you have micro stuttering and latency issues? If not, then I do not believe that you actually have any micro stuttering or latency on a single card.
You, are an enormous tool.
I am an enormous tool for saying that his misinformation is what it is, misinformation?
I don't have the time to produce graphs like those review sites. I'm not the only one that experienced latency issues with a single r9 290X card.
He has both cards. He owns both of them. He has no motive to lie about it. And you do not have perfect information about his set up. The point is who gives a shit, maybe he has a defective card, maybe it's something else in his setup, maybe you're fucking wrong, but either way hes happier with the 780 and doesn't have to prove shit to you. So fuck off, go fanboy somewhere else.
How does the 780 allow you to use four monitors?
How does the 780 allow you to use four monitors?
Quad monitor setup for A Machine for Pigs. No one needs to be scared that badly.
Hahaha!!! I just think the name fits this gluttonous mass of technology!
Please fix those speakers....the front ones(not the center piece) should be farther to the side and the FAR side/back ones should be behind spent the money so fix it :D
Thanks for noticing! I'm getting my Bose 2.1 speaker set from the studio soon so I could have a proper audio setup on my desk :)
No offense taken. From one audiophile to another, I'm aware of that :) as a musician I need to listen to my music through consumer-level speakers at home and my old Bose system (which was a gift that I didn't pay for) is still a million times better than the logitech speakers.
Yeah, the logitec is pretty bad too. I'm running miccas right now, and for $60 they sound fantastic. There's a B12 backing them up though.
I would so love to play Amnesia/Outlast on this! Diapers at the ready though of course.
Diapers? Plz. Therapists and meds at the ready @__@
Just imagine what Occulus Rift would bring us in the coming year @_@
Diapers are a temporary measure, group therapy to cure my induced PTSD will be a must in the longterm o.O
We'd all be in the same group then!
It's a machine for pigs though, so he won't be.
Har har har, very funny internet stranger!
Epic setup. I checked out your band and I really like it. And I'm in love with your vocalist ._.
I broke up with her last week and built this setup.
Oh, that's too bad to hear. Sorry about it.
Hit me back with your email if you want me to give you our album for free! :)
Checking out the music now, that first song, Labyrinth, it sounds like someone really wants to speed up there. Not sure if I am am stating it right, but there is an underlying urge to really let loose and rip either through the drums, strings, or both perhaps.
Thank you so much for supporting independent music!
NP, I will pass your site along to other for word of mouth coverage. Hope to hear more from the band soon.
Ofcourse I'd love to! I'll PM you!
I find the idea of a bass player with a room full of guitars strangely hilarious. :P
Hahaha! It is quite funny isn't it? I guess having different instruments just goes with being a music student!
Your title made me think that you were referencing Amnesia - A Machine for Pigs.
Thanks man! :) Well I did get the title from Amnesia, because I thought it would be befitting and badass. Hahaha.
Wicked axes and monitors. I dig the place man.
Hey, Thanks buddy!!! Glad you like it! :)
You as depressed as I that we will not see a PC release for destiny?
Yeah man...I feel your pain, brother!
A good rock band with a female vocalist, that's a rare thing, nice setup bro
Thanks brah! Really appreciate it!
What's the ambient lighting? Where'd you get it?
What guitar hangers are those?
I use the same guitar mounts they use at guitar center, costs 10 bucks a piece and lasts forever :) I'm sure you could get them off any music store!
You're welcome, dude! Just make sure to wipe down your guitars more often if you choose to leave them on a hanger :)
Can I ask what the monitors on the bottom are?
Of course you can! Those monitors are three LG 23" Flatron IPS LED screens :) For the price, they look gorgeous!
You could try selling the 290X and get a NAS system, or spend the money on another 780. Or another guitar, you can never have too many. Believe me, I know the feeling haha.
Oh man!!! How many do you have? They're just as addicting as Steam Sales! Hahahaha!
Three right now, used to have four. Gave a buddy the fourth one for Christmas, he wanted to learn guitar. Right now I've got two guitars and a bass, an Epiphone SG Pro for the electric, I believe the acoustic is a Yamaha APX500II, and a Tobias Toby Standard IV electric bass.
You met Tonight Alive? Sweet.
Yeah and they were amazing live! they were very down-to-earth unlike Radio Drive By. It was absolutely surreal to be having dinner next to We Came As Romans!
That's a really sick setup you have there! I like the way you decorated the other parts of the room, really gives it something cosy/classy.
Much appreciated dude, thank you very much! :)
That old montage of PC parts... what motherboard is that? Would you be at all interested in selling it off?
Are you interested in buying the motherboard itself or the sculpture? I imagine the shipping costs would be more than the actual market value of the old motherboard.
I was thinking of the mobo and perhaps the gpu too, for a project PC, but I thought it was something like an early i3. No worries, cheers!
Cheers, man! Happy Holidays and happy hunting!
Fuck your computers and guitars.... Holly shit is the an ovation elite custom!!!!??????
Oh man I wish it was an elite custom!!! It's just an applause :p Thumbs up for noticing it though! Good eye!
I have a custom elite looks just like that basically.
How does it sound compared to them Taylor acoustic guitars? My guitarist has them and they sound amazing!
It sounds like a straight up acoustic. It has a really big back. I rarely plug it in because it Sounds so good. I will post some pics for you once I get home.
Thanks I'd love to see it for myself! :)
What is with that acoustic on the far right? I'm confused as to how that would work.
What do you mean, my good man?
Acoustic guitars have that hole in em for making the sound louder (not the most technical terminology here), but that one doesn't, so I'm not sure how it would make the sound louder.
Oh so that's what you meant! It's literally called a "Soundhole" :)
That's what I thought, but I couldn't tell if there were small holes or if they were just part of a design on it :)
Gotta pass of the compliments, really digging your band man! I have a metal/rock band as well with a female vocalist, reminds me of us haha. And I'm super biased towards Alice in Wonderland themed stuff, so points for that haha! Great build as well =P
Would love to hear your band dude! Really glad a fellow musician likes my music! \m/
Awesome! I'll check it out! :)
Upvote for warlock and ovation :D
Thanks buddy I'm really proud of my instruments! :)
The ovation is a beautiful guitar. My brother had one and it sounded pretty awesome
Thanks man! Ovation does make quality instruments!
Dat warlock... Nice setup and nice pink floyd reference dude :D
Thanks bud, you have great taste in music!!! It's the first guitar I ever owned! Got it 5 years ago and it's 6 years older than me!
Holy shit! I just got my first electric 2 months ago, it came in a pack its a Squier HSS strat so it has a humbucker instead of the bridge pickup, loving guitar so far. Probably gonna pick up a new amp and Ibanez soon so get hype for that :D
Nice. I'll definitely save it and put it to use when I'm back at my desktop.
I scrolled through this entire thread looking for that. Thanks man. Love the setup.
You're welcome!!! :) glad you like my setup!
That wallpaper is so perfect for your setup!
Thanks, Alex! I love the concave illusion it creates!
I really like your recycled computer part piece. I have a few parts lying around myself. What did you used to put it all together?
Hey acrunner71, I placed it on a wooden board that I painted black, then I drilled the computer parts on the board and used superglue to place the wires :)
Can I get a pick of your led strips behind the monitors? I put mine in last night and they look good but yours look better.
It's an amazing set up but why put the speakers in front of the monitors?? I suppose you only have so many options...
Why do people buy 5.1 systems and not even use them correctly? Just get a decent 2.1 system.
That was my setup last year and space was an issue :)
Hope you enjoy the 2.1 setup. :)

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