Computer Setup


What if you want to watch porn and fap?
Then they put all 4 screens side by side and push their chairs together.
7680x1080 porn, whole nother level of brotherly love.
I'm guessing they both have phones with nice displays on them.
I'm glad this was the top question when reading the comments. Instantly the first thing I thought of.
Holy shit! I thought the same exact thing.
It's nice that it doesn't matter what coolcomputersetups you're in, masturbation rules them all. It was also my immediate first thought.
I was just about to ask that.
You and your brother have an awesome setup! You can play on the same team and easily talk eye-to-eye without breaking your neck turning round.
Thanks man! (Or woman) Specs on mine (the left one): - r6970 lightning - i5 3570k - 8gb ddr3 ripjaws - 120gb ssd - 2x 500gb caviar blue - 1tb caviar black - inwin maelstrom case (it sucks balls) - asus xonar stx
So in terms of core specs you both have pretty much identical systems :P
Wish i had a brother like this
Wish I had a brother.
That would be an, silly.
Man now I really wanna make one of these with my bro!
The desk was a custom i made a couple years ago in wood shop
Really digging the wallpaper, care to share please?
You should check out Display Fusion to set up different wallpapers on eac h monitor if you don't want to keep editing/stitching photos together.
That's kinda cool, subscribed to it! Just a little worried my two monitors are different resolutions.
Why is Shaun White on your couch?
That is my "little" brother. He also goes by Ginger Gene Simmons, or (when he wears sunglasses) "Carrot Top Morpheus"
Holy shit, carrot top morpheus! hahahahaha
Who has the Ouroboros and who has the Rat 7?
I had the rat 7 for a year and my left switch is iffy, so i bought this a couple days ago. worth every penny.
R.A.T. 7 user checking in. Had the mouse for 3+ years with no issues. Love the thing to death. Would buy again.
Yeah I've heard that from Rat users that have been around for a while, it almost seems like they had a mid-production change in lasers or something that only caused an issue in the newer ones, because it's a very common issue. I work for a major electronics distribution chain and Rat recently pulled all of their mouses out of sale, idk if they're still for sale directly from them, if they're releasing a new mouse, or if it's from having so many broken ones, but they're no longer being sold at my store worldwide.
Huh my rat 7 laser hasn't died, but I wouldn't get another regardless
I can't figure out what's going on in that right screen in one of the setups. Is that a terminal or screen artifacts? (Insert camera = potato joke)
That is one of my brother's raspberry pis downloading an emulator
The orbweaver is game sex.
I know you...sweet gaming setup btw
That sure is brotherly.
How do you like the orbweavers?

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