Computer Setup


I'd finish it off with a giant poster of the Nordschleife right in front of my monitors. Oh Jesus-fuck yes.
God I hate Monza with a passion.
I love it. Ive always wanted my mancave to be set up like this. I love having a couch in the back so guests who come over dont have to stand around and also a great place to sit back and relax.
Do the LED lights change colors? Also nice futon where did you happen to get it at?
Yes the LED's change color with a dial. They also can slowly rotate through all the colors automatically. Got them at Ikea.
Galant? If yes, how big is it?
I'd love to get a big flat desk like that from Ikea, but they want $199 for shipping. Sheesh. That's almost as much as the desk I want costs. I guess one of these days I'll have to bite the bullet and take the 4 hour round trip to the nearest store. I wish Office Max or Staples carried a similar expandable corner table though.
I'm smack dab in the middle of 2 Ikea's. Each a four hour round trip. Well worth it! Its also just a cool experience if you've never been to one before.
CRAIGSLIST!! Best thing ever if you aren't near an Ikea. There are so many Galants posted weekly. I just picked up one to act as an extension today for $50. It's in perfect condition and was $100 cheaper than Ikea charges. If you keep an eye out you'll find what you want, just be patient.
Hmm, that's a good idea. I was searching for them in the past by "galant" and would just get mitsubishi cars in my search results. I just searched for "ikea desk" and the second result was an $80 Galant desk. :-/
I believe it's the curved desk with rectangular dimensions of 120x160 cm (so the smallest piece is 120cm to the end, the large one 160cm long). with and extenesion piece of 80x60 cm.
How do you like the MARKUS? I got it a couple months ago, and it was a massive improvement from my last chair.
Man, I fucking love this chair. Got it about a year and a half ago now, haven't looked back.
Really great chair. Only complaint (and a minor one at that!) is no adjustable arm rests.
I'm really debating getting it. Is that the best chair at the price? I'm kinda worried about spending that much for a chair.
As an ergonomic specialist you can't afford not to spend too much on an office chair, especially if you'll be sat in it for hours at a time, invest now and when your back isn't screwed down the line, you'll be eternally grateful!
As much as I'm in the chair I do really need a nicer one. I'm currently using some old worn out one and am having back issues. Just looking for something with good value.
The Markus is a good choice then, I use it myself - It's not got the adjustability of some high cost chairs, but is far more comfortable than a cheap adjustable chair - buy it and don't look back, or buy a Herman Miller Aeron :D
I've had mine for over a year and if was to choose again it'd still be this one. Only deference is I'd get the black leather one instead of the blue one. The light cooled cloth seems to stain very easily
Nice setup and awesome pictures! would love to drive on them once in my life. where did you get them by the way?
I got the Le Mans, Monaco, and Monza all on Amazon. They also have Nurburgring Circuit, Daytona, and Old Silverstone. Super cheap.
Came to find out about the posters and wasnt disapointed. Huge motorsports and F1 fan, awesome setup too!!
Where did you get that wallpaper? I love the style.
Beautiful Couch and lighting setup. One of my recent favourites on this coolcomputersetups.
Thank you! That means a lot.
Is the keyboard wrist rest useful? If so do you recommend any?
Yea I have found that I like it. I think I got this one at an office supply store. Can't really recommend one though.
How are you liking the Das? I'm thinking of buying but apparently there's some quality issues with the newer ones.
I love it! I have a slightly older model. I do have to say that after a few days of having it my J key started to stick. I kinda put off RMAing it since I was in love with it that I can't really do anything now, but i'm sure they would have replaced it had I requested it sooner. I just deal with it now. Luckily it's not too bad and I don't really use the J key a lot.
Really nice. I am in the process if looking for an apartment with my GF for the spring. We don't live together now and neither of us own anything. I have been trying to show her the computer setup coolcomputersetups to get her warmed up to the idea of a computer media centre. This set up might actually seal the deal. Nice one!
What's the name of the LED thing? Do you have a link? Sweet gaming setup btw!
How much FPS do you get while gaming with a single GTX 770 on 3 monitors?
Really good actually! I normally have medium to high settings depending on the game and can get over 60fps. Maxed out on BF4 I get in the 45-50's.
Nope that's the 2gb version. Don't expect to max out games on three monitors at 5760x1080 with just one 770. It's playable but not enjoyable. I however have found a happy medium with most of my games and play them at buttery smooth frames with turning down the graphic settings only slightly.
It is so perfect ;__; Thanks!
I'm guessing that's the black/brown (Which is actually black) Ikea Galant with the extension. The only extension I could find was the black/brown one that is clearly a dark brown and would not match the desk I have. Can you tell me where you found that please?
Holy shit look at that! Complete with the cable management racks that I've yet to set up haha! You know now that I look at it I can't seem to find the extension in that color. I bought this at the store around 6 months ago. I find it hard to believe they would get rid of it. Makes it so much nicer not having the legs in the middle.
Yeah maybe I'll go to Ikea to see if they have something that's not listed on the website along with some T-Legs because they look sooooo much better.
Do you mean T-Legs? Cause I think you already have the A-Legs.
Galant FTW. I have a similar setup with different legs, looking into maybe replacing one or both sides of the extension with an Alex cabinet.
I don't see the posters for 3$ on Amazon. They are closer to 10$ a piece.
I spy a Vengeance 2000, and it's charging cable plugged into something else (what is that?). I just upgraded myself to the Vengeance 2100, you might want to consider it too, fixes the hinge problem.
That's a Nexus 7 2013
Your missing thee greatest of all race tracks...Top Gear Test Track.
Max Anderson! Dude, I totally know you! We went to Dunbar High together, remember me? I was the skinny guy that totally stole your girlfriend. Whew, good times bro!
Just got an ASUS VS247H-P, myself. Loving it so far. Great set-up, by the way.
Do you ever play any racing games on this station?
What kind of chair is that? brand?
It's the IKEA MARKUS. They're pretty comfortable.
I love the posters framed on the back wall. Might I ask where you got them?
This is just what I want to do. I'm going to use this as some of the inspiration. Thanks for posting, Mr. Anderson.
What is the couch?
What wireless keyboard do you use and do you like it?
Woah, we have the exact same keyboard and chair!
I have the same wallpaper!
I have those same three Asus monitors. :)
I'm sitting on exactly that chair typing this on exactly that keyboard. I commend you on your taste, and now feel like uploading my own gaming setup would be redundant. :)
So, what do you really do with these three monitors? really curious. i had similar setup, but it was just too much, and i couldn't use it efficiently. having email on one, coolcomputersetups on second and browser on third.. well it just didn't feel any beter.
10/10, really love it! Wich i could fit a couch in my room.
Sold any LiteCoins today? :P
If I could bother you for one more thing, because Ikea's website is not exactly clear, what are the dimensions on that thing?
I actually have the same desk sans the extension, and a measuring tape on my desk, so I went ahead and grabbed the measurements for you! The long part of the desk is 63 inches, the short part starts at 31 1/2 inches and curves to 47 1/4 inches. It's decently bigger than it looks on the IKEA site. at least I think it is.
Aw yeah a 300r. I love mine.
Get your computers off the carpet!
Idle my CPU is at 45C and my GPU is 46C. Pretty good. However it is a bit dusty.
It's not about the temps you're fans can suck up dust from the carpet. Put a piece of plywood or plastic under them.
That would only be a problem if there was a fan on the bottom of the case.
The guy who posted that picture actually responded further up.
I can't imagine why it's your favorite place

Tags: blue computer setup hd
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