Computer Setup


This looks great and all, but I'm confused. What if someone wants to sleep on that side of the bed? Does that mini desk slide to the side or is it just resting on the mattress like that? I feel like with the soft mattress it would be really unstable and top-heavy.
Like... what? I don't think I would be able to use this on a bed. Also if I spent any more time on my computer I wouldn't have to worry about the other side of the bed! :P
No else else sleeps on this bed other than me. that's why i was able put the computer there. it's a queen sized bed, too big for just me. and i've tried pressing on the front part of the small desk (where i rest my palms) and tried bouncing on the bed (just for you), the the monitors really won't fall off the desk/the desk won't fall to the side. the desks legs are spread outwards (they're not really on a straight angle towards the bed, really don't know how to explain this, english is a foreign language for me) and the desk's top weight is actually pushing it to lean more towards the wall.
How do you change your sheets?
This would be great if he fucked up lol
It's gonna be quite a workout.
Hah! ahh thanks for giving me the laugh. but seriously, i'd have to get married to start having another person to help 'shake the bed' with me ;)
Who said you have to be married?
That's awesome that it works for you, but damn I would be nervous as hell if I had two monitors sitting on something like that.
Thank you. i knew what i wanted to say to explain things, but i just couldn't get the right words out of my head. have a nice day, sir!
Don't you hate how awkward smilies are at the end of parentheses?
People sleep in beds two at a time?
Only one person sleeps in that bed, amigo
What is the appeal behind having no letters on the keyboard?
A cleaner look. plus, i don't really look at them when typing anyway. i think most people don't as well.
Why have this on your bed? It's a nice set up, don't get me wrong, but I just don't understand the practicality of leaving a nice station resting on your mattress.
I think it's designed to give the user back problems.
Was thinking the same thing. Sitting up in bed is killer on the back. Sexy looking rig tho.
I use a laptop at night for reading....i have back problems. i need a phone instead ofa laptop for this reason.
I gained 10 pounds just looking at the album.
You'd say the same thing about my bike.
Well now I'm scared to sit down for too long.
I've been hearing/seeing a lot about people moving to standing up rather than sitting down. Can you shed some light on this or point to some articles regarding it as I'm interested.
I see. thank you for sharing that. so it seems like any kind of sitting too much is not good and standing is better. hmm, gotta reconsider my long term alternative then. however, would standing for too long, i don't know, be bad for knees/joints/heels?
Absolutely- super rough on the knees especially. my buddy is a chef and he told me there are padded mats at every station to help them stand for that long.
I bet its a tempur-pedic. Ever seen someone jump on those with a glass of wine?
It's not like there's gonna be a woman there, he might as well take advantage of the unused space.
Thank you. it's a really small room for one, as the queen-sized bed takes up about 3/4 of the room. the bed comes with this room that i'm renting, in a house shared with other people who uses this house for a weekend retreat from our jobs, like me as well. i wouldn't want to put the computer outside of this room because i don't feel safe having the computer outside. and after the trip to the furniture store, i realised that if i were to put tables in the room, i wouldn't have enough space to even put a chair as the table(s) would already be too close to the bed.
Amazing pictures? What type of camera do you have? or what are you doing to the photos, very nice look!
He's just offsetting the blacks. You'll notice that there's no true " black" in the photos and all the shadows / dark colours just kind of bleed into a nice, clean grey tone.
Is that f1.8? The DoF almost looks sharp enough for Lensbaby / Tiltshift lenses.
It's 1.4. specifically the sigma 50mm f/1.4. it's got one of the creamiest bokeh i've seen.
The sig 50 lives on my 5D 90% of the time. It is a killer lens. If people buy a starter prime, this should definitely be first thought.
Simple, I really like it. The portability appeals to me.
Thank you. the portability was really the main reason why i chose this form factor actually. i was thinking of having one monitor already set up at my workplace (where i'll be all week) so that i could bring only the case and peripherals to and from my home.
Can I ask you what PSU model this is?
This is my dilemma as well at the moment, I have enough money for a gaming pc build... or a carbon + ultegra tri bike.
That is a hard decision to make hehe. go for the bike!
What do you ride? Looks like maybe an R6 from the pictures?
Sweet. Looks real clean. I love the way the projector lenses look on r1's.
Whats with the desaturated/out of contrast picture look you got going there? Nevermind the station, how'd you edit the pics?
I'm gonna go with either split toning or using the Hue/Saturation/Luminance and Color sliders, or both... I dunno everyone shops differently
Offset blacks to make them grey.
Edited in Lightroom. i pulled the blacks and whites sliders and a then little poking around with the tone curve. that's about it. if you still have questions, just let me know.
Wait, I'm a design-student and I've never used lightroom.. How do I open it? Is it possible to get the same effect you have on your photos in photoshop?
Thank you for that overview of Lightroom's function.
Could you elaborate more on how you can learn to use it effectively? (Any crucial tips & tutorial recommendations would be most appreciated!)
Lightroom is more of an organizational program than editing (when comparing to PS). Alot of photographers refer to is as a replacement for Adobe Bridge when describing it. I only used Lightroom 3.X and Lightroom 4.X.
Well, my workflow with photo editing in Lightroom would be:
How many HDD's can you get in that case?
It's a Fractal Node 304. Without that video card he could fit up to 6 hard drives and 1 SSD. With the video card, I think it fits 4 hard drives and 1 SSD.
Actually, with the video card (or maybe just long ones), i think i can only fit in two 3.5" HDDs. the mid HDD bracket is FULL with cables routed through it. not sure how to route them somewhere else.
If all three HDD tbrackets were in place, i could put in 6 3.5" HDDs.
Wow, thanks for the info.
Wait what was your keyboard?
It's a Filco Ninja Majestouch-2.
Close. it's more specifically the Ninja model.
It's a Filco Ninja Majestouch-2 with MX Blue switches. i forgot to put that in the captions.
I'm not an audiophile, but i really wanted to have something decent enough to use for listening to music on the go. and this pair of headphones has been extremely nice, the sound quality is really good. i was auditioning this and the ATH M50's for an hour and found out that the treble on the M50's sounds a little muffled (maybe because they were bass-focused like everyone says). listening to this was heaven in comparison. i prefer to have much clearer treble as i listen to acoustic music or jazz/blues most of the time. and i do find listening to electronic music (like Daft Punk) very enjoyable on these. comfort-wise, i'd give it a 5/5. it's very light and the pads are really nice. i sometimes even sleep with them on.
Yeah, the onboard sound on my PC turned out to be fairly good and the quality of the music doesn't seem to be affected much by the FiiO E10 DAC/AMP (powering my JVCs) but the quality of the amplification is so much better; not only do they sound better at what had been my max volume on my PC, they have an additional 2x the volume on the low setting; they also have a higher setting for higher impedance headphones: it makes the volume about 2x louder than the low setting, so I could push it to 4x the max volume of my PC -- that is, if I wanted to.
I'm sure the DAC would help improve the sound of your Nexus. from what you've explained, i think i would love to get a DAC as well, but funds are not in for that department yet. too many hobbies other hobbies ugh.
Thanks! Yeah, the the Fischers spawned off something like 5 or 6 clones including the Brainwavz and the NVXs.
5 or 6 clones? that is quite a lot. pity none of them made it here except for the original one.
They look comfortable as fuck. Only downsides I can find is that they aren't for those who like more bass
How do you sit and play ?
Just sit. and play? sometimes i play while resting/leaning on the fluffy pillows. keyboard on my left and trackball on my right.
Saw the blank keys and was like woo, fellow das ultimate user! But then I looked at the top right, still badass!
Ahh, i wanted the das ultimate! could say i settled for this, but it has been nothing but pleasure to type on. planning on getting blank keys in the future.
I got one for 90 bucks on eBay, the condition was almost brand new.
I guess a Fractal case would be good for the R9 stock cooler since they include the sound-dampening material in the case.
I don't recall any sound-dampening material on this one. i know that their Define series had sound-dampening though. however, i would say that an R9 with a stock cooler suits the case, as it dumps hot air out of the back of the small case.
I never realized how small a itx mobo is! GPUs have gotten huge over the years.
Whats the keyboard OP? I see the Filco branding, but do you know the specific model? I love the simplicity of having nothing on the keys
It's a Filco Ninja Majestouch-2 with MX Blue switches. it actually has printing on the front face of the keys, instead of the top. i know what you mean. i myself planning on getting blank keys soon. they're just a lot cleaner and nicer in my opinion.
Corsair m65 black is your mouse sir
There is no such thing as a corsair m65 black edition. There is, but it is called the corsair m40 and doesn't have a sniper button. It has a flawless optical sensor, OK software and is good for claw grippers. I own one.
Mine is black. there was also a green one when i was buying mine, but i opted for the black.
I looked through pcpartpicker and realised that they might be the M40 actually.
I think it's the military green m65 that glows red.
That thing is sexy as hell. Not sure how practical the setup is, but you sure did a good job with it.
Thanks! it's really practical for me, really have no complaints for it hehe. i'm resting/leaning on bunched up pillows right now and typing with my keyboard on my lap. good life!
I really don't like a bed station but the pictures are really nice
Thank you for the compliment :)
Such a little case, yet so roomy. That might be worth getting the next time I rebuild, especially since I am Mini ITX from here on out.
If you're a fan of SFF builds, then i say it really is worth getting. really awesome. i brought this on a flight in a rolling suitcase two weeks ago for cabin luggage. awesome, though it weighed like 15kg. i definitely chose the perfect case for my use.
So are you laying down right now?
That is one lonely-ass gaming setup, OP.
Firstly, Nice setup man! Doesn't the amount of space for you to use your mouse annoy you? Also, what is the cooling/airflow like in that sweet case (ITX?)
Thank you! the space it enough for me to get the cursor across from the right edge of the right monitor to the other end on the left monitor, so it's just nice. airflow is alright i think. the overclocked cpu idles at 36-39c with outside temperatures at 31-33c. not sure what the room temp is, but it's definitely warm.
How does that not fall over while on the bed? seems like, unless you're using one of those memory foam mattresses, small movements will cause the monitors to fall over.
They really won't fall over. the weight is such that the desk is leaning towards the wall. and the desks legs are spread wide, not really just straight downwards.
Must be so rich, being able to afford a town and all.
Your room looks exactly like Mr.Repzion's...
So...what do you do when you bring someone home?
Very sexy build, stealthy mech and mouse with flawless sensor.
I too, have the corsair m40 raptor.
What do you think of it?
I'm not sure how to review it. i like it. it has just enough weight that it doesn't feel too light. and it fits my palm comfortably.
I too am unsure.
Cough Fappingstation cough Nice build man! I like the form factor!
Shhh, that's supposed to be a secret arghhh. haha. thanks man, i like the small form factor as well. i brought it on a flight in a rolling suitcase two weeks ago. perfect.
You have any idea at all what mouse that is? I really like it, I am looking for a new mouse.
More like "Bedlestation" ;D
Now coolcomputersetups knows you fap while laying on your left side.
Oh my god, you are living the dream.
Do you have health problems? Depressed? What's the reason for having a desk on/in the bed? Come on, man! Have you no desire to bring a woman home?
Haha! no man, it's in our culture to get married before i can 'bring a woman home' ;) and i'm planning to get married in hopefully another year. piling up the funds for now.
Stupid. Buy a real desk and quit putzing around. Also live closer to your office WTF is wrong with you?

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