Computer Setup


I would go nuts in that room...
Any particular reason you use the 2 TB HDD for the boot drive instead of the SSD?
I got the SSD about ayear after I built my PC, and for that exact purpose, but for some reason I was unable to migrate my OS to the SSD so I just decided to use it as a secondary in the meantime.
I used the free version of EaseUS Partition Master to clone my boot drive to my SSD when I first got it. I highly recommend it.
Really bad ass dude. We'd def be buds IRL lolol
Hahaa thanks man. We can at least be Steam buds eh?
For sure haha ill dm you my id
Can... Can i be friends? D;
TIL, fucking awesome; I've been looking for something like this.
Thanks for joining! I started the page a few months ago
Great monitors. i have 2 of the Acers myself. Can you still buy them?
Thank you! Feels good to share it with people :)
Awesome setup. What line of work are you in, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm confused, those have to both be GTX 570s right? The top one looks like a Titan, but you can't run a Titan and a GTX 570 together can you?
I'm really curious about this too. I didn't think you could shotgun non-identical video cards :/
They aren't in SLI. The Titan is the primary video card, while the 570 is doing all of the PhysX calculations. You can configure it like this in the driver
780, not Titan, it even says so in the description.
U/alltimeisrelative said it was a titan in his post, so I jusr went with it
I had no idea that was possible. TIL. Thanks!
I didn't know this either. Thanks.
You can, but the second card only does PhysX. It will not do any graphics at all. My understanding is though that its worse to run this configuration simply because it takes more time to offload the PhysX calculations than it does for the primary card to do them.
Just out of curiosity, which Xbox games do you think are a must-have?
I really enjoy the Halo franchise the most, with Halo 3 being my favourite. Each game just has such a fantastic blend of solid gameplay mechanics and story telling that just gets better with each iteration and I absolutely cant wait to see what 343 will do with Halo 5. Hell, it could even convince me to get an Xbox One.
Sweet. Thanks for your input! Also, great looking computer setup!
Thanks a lot man! Was just creeping your posts and saw that build your working on and it sounds really fucking sweet! Hope you enjoy the shit outta that when you get it
Hell yeah, Halo 3 is one of my all time favorite games. Odst was pretty good, didn't like wars though. Kinda mixed feelings about 4, would have to say it was good though
Same I was mixed on 4 at first but the more I played it, both multiplayer and singleplayer, the more I came to enjoy it. I was worried at first but 343 did a damn good job of filling those Bungie-sized shoes.
Yes! the custom games were the best! Veto for br's on sand tarp! lol. Yeah dude I started this huge clan with other guys I met in matchmaking, great memories thats for sure.
Ah yis, Destiny, can't wait for that.
This is just my opinion, not xbox exclusives but are available on xbox
I guess you could say Roosterteeth got their content out of just their coolcomputersetups.
Your Samurai sword set is upside down, the curve is supposed to point up so that the weight of the blade is on the back of the sword not on the cutting edge.
Yea I'm going to steal your house.
Thanks for joining! I started it a few months ago
I have the lg 29ea93-p too and have been debating about getting some extra monitors down the road. Does the 780 handle 3 alone or is that why you have the 570 too? I havent bought my graphics card yet so im debating about what i should get.
This is inspire me xD
Would you mind explaining exactly how you configured the GPU drivers to allow both cards to be working together in sli. Or explain why you picked the 570 card for physx
Pretty sure I died and went to gaming collector's heaven.
Wait, wait, I'm getting something from the great beyond. The spirits are speaking to me... you! OP there! You wouldn't be... A GAMER, WOULD YOU?
Hey there. I might have overlooked this question if anyone before has asked it. Where did you get those steal shelves? I want them. Hopefully someone can guide me in the right direction. Cheers.
Do you just buy every special edition of every game you buy?
Are you me? I've never seen one of these and genuinely been jealous of it. Right down to the Grifball shirt.
The grifball shirt signed by the RT crew. I strongly approve.
Can you design my room lol
Where'd you get the portal gun replica and how much did it cost?
Cool guy and a cool gaming setup!
Excellent setup and nice to see a fellow Halo player on BattleStations. Quick question for you, is a 570 for Physx really worth it? I just bought a pair of Titans and I have no idea what to do with my 3GB GTX 580. I was planning on throwing it into my dad's computer since he has a GTX 260, I figure the 580 is enough to last him the next 4-5 years since he just needs something to support multiple monitors for Outlook and Chrome.
A multi-platform kind of guy. I like you.
Too jelly for words it's like heaven in there
You've either missed a comma on the very last picture or you have a Assassins Creed 2 collectors edition force feedback steering wheel....
That must be a dusting nightmare.
In your PC, What are the Top and bottom case fans (Intake or Outake)
I'm jealous but fuck it have an bookmark!
I of those CEs would buy me food for more than a week -.- really nice rig though!
:( Sorry to hear about that
Honestly, all those posters are an eye sore.

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