Computer Setup


A+ for the cans :)
"Holy shit HD800" was MRW I saw them.
Congrats on having the best version of the best keyboard ever made.
The Noppoo Choc? Yeah, I've tried a few other mechanical keyboards and I always come back to it.
The white version, no less :D I got one of the first gen Black ones, modded it with a detachable USB cable and no other mechanical I've tried feels quite like it.
I can confirm that the Noppo choc mini is the best keyboard ever made
Microsoft employee? Or are the white Xbox Ones available via some other way? Looks good man -- nice and clean.
Thats not a traditional white xbox one, it is a modded case. The white xbox one has no black at all.
Cool, thanks for the info!
Looks like a dBrand skin.
It is just a skin
Your headphones cost more than my whole setup... Nice!
That is my dream audio setup...beautiful
Nice cans, stack and the stand!
Someday. Not sure if I could pull off speakers while living in an apartment.
What can stand is that?
Gotta have a $200 headphone stand for $1600 headphones!
I've got $60 headphones and thought they looked sexy. There aren't many cheap headphone stands that are cluttered with branding/cheaply made.
There are a bunch of inexpensive metal ones on amazon ~$60
I found one decent one, I just hate when there's a bunch of branding on them, even at $60.
I use to have an acrylic stand that was the same shape as the Omega. These just look so much better. They are really well made as well, they are crazy expensive but I'll be buying another when I get a second set of cans. They are worth it.
I got a nice wooden Fiio stand for $30 from my local headphone boutique! Pretty good in my opinion.
I'm pretty sure that's an Omega, or an Omega knockoff.
It's the Omega, Moon Audio sells them.
How do you find the footrest you have under the desk? I have backache and it would be cool to have something that makes a difference
What is that gamepad you are using called? I need one!
This is in the bottom XD
Nice setup. Just wondering, what is that item on the right beside your keyboard?
It's a gamepad. I'm left handed so wasd isn't very comfortable.
What are the audio boxes called? I always see them around here. Also, what headphones?
Schiit Lyr on top, Schiit Bifrost on bottom, the headphones are Sennheiser HD800. (I guess that's bifrost)
Top box is an Amp. Bottom is a Digital to Analog Converter.
Schiit lyr and bifrost then?
What price range of headphones do you need to really take advantage of a DAC/Amp? Would it be worth buying for a $250 pair of headphones?
Spend your money on the best pair of headphones you can afford now. Determine if they need an amp and go for that first. If you're not happy with your audio quality in a couple months, then add a DAC. There are a lot of people that sacrifice on their cans to afford a better stack and that is a mistake.
Damn that is an expensive setup, I wish I had the kinda of money :/. You must have one nice job
Did you mod the side of your 600t yourself or buy it?
Yeah I modded it myself. First time I've ever done anything like this and it wasn't that hard.
You certainly know what you like! Wishlist activate!

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