Computer Setup


The lighting is very well done. I also like the sound proofing. You could clean up the lower portion of the desk, but besides that, I am a big fan of this setup. Do you mostly use it for music, gaming, and movies?
Where did you get those sound proofing things on your wall?
You know your colors bro?
Love how this came out man, an inspiration really--
Bit busy and messy but it sure is eyecatching! And holy fuck, soldering RGB strips is the worst.
Which rgb strips are those?
What are those speakers? And nice lighting btw. Also love the fancy sound proofing.
I'm looking for some new speakers for my setup and would love to know what kind those are. Anyone suggest a specific type for a self-professed audiophile?
Could you suggest a particular subwoofer and preamp to go with some of these?
They look like Yamaha HS8s but they could be HS7s.
Nice setup man, I'm also digging that MVP.
Disney fan. Have you by chance played the Kingdom Hearts series?
That's not purple... that's blue.
That piece of wood under the pc makes me happy.
Looks really decent. I want the desk...and your LEDs... and your EVERYTHING!
I think I have the same monitor. Do the bezels of having two of them bother you?
You made sound proofing look good. +all around nice setup

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