Computer Setup


Can I get the dog specs on that dog?
1477 days old spayed bitch. Highly trained. Knows sit, stay, come, back up, gentle, open and close. Ocassionaly gives no fucks regardless. Tricks are beg, shake a paw, roll over, kiss. Moderate training in retrieving. Avid rabbiter with natural soft mouth. Sired by black lab mutt with suspected doberman, rotti, shepard. Mother is fox terrier purebred.
Your roommate is approximately 27 mangoes tall.
Whats the price on your newest roomate?
I'll sell him for $1,200. I won't guarantee ease of use though. You'll have to break him in yourself.
Looks like you need the money, broke ass fucker living with like 8 dudes and your wife. Half of them are probably banging her too, you loser.
Somebody needs a tummy rub!
The roommate for sale in question, dude what the hell is wrong with you. I am scared to death of both of them, and we probably have more money than you.
So why the two TVs? I would find that really distracting.
Lan gaming. Halo. Borderlands. ETC. The vast majority of the time they are on at the same time is when 2 or more people are gaming "couch" video games.
Hey, I don't know if you already knew this, but the PS4 can force all audio from the TV to a certain device (headphones, headset) thus allowing for living room gaming without disturbing others. The wireless controller also accepts most audio jacks (but not USB, unfortunately).
I just sold my ps4 before xmas. Kool to know though.
I'm trying to do something like this in NY somewhere since it's expensive to live there. how did you go about picking your roommates? were they people of mutual relations(friends, or friends of friends/family)? also, nice place, man.
We live in Vancouver. Second only to NY in north america if you average the whole city.
I actually had the same idea; seeing this work in action makes me feel better about wanting to go through with this. all i have to find now is people who fit the criteria. thanks!
Yup we've been here for getting close to two years. It's quite awesome. Occasionally it gets to be to much people but that is rare. The benefits massively outweigh the downsides.
Hey this is cool. I'm in a house with 4 gamers and 2 of them decided they would keep their pc's in their own rooms. so if i want to play games with them i have to call them on skype even though we're in the same house.
That sounds lame. It is kool living with other gamers.
Hey man, no shame in an i3! Mines been doing more than enough for me :)
Dude can I move in?
How much you willing to pay for a couch cushion?
I had (and still have laying around) an amd 6670. Weak little card that couldn't do much. I upgraded to a geforce gtx 760 super clocked and my goodness what a boost it was.
I've actually been amazed by my 6670. It wasn't until 6 months or so ago I started to get bummed out by it. I got it for a SCREAMing deal though. If I had paid full price I would of been pissed.
That is a very nice set-up.
Awesome setup man! I'm hoping I can convince my friends to move in with me when I go to college!
This is my first time seeing like...a medicine ball chair with the back part of the chair attached to it
Yeah same, i was like uhhh don't you just sit on the ball?
"overclocked to who the fuck cares if it dies settings" classic
Any comment on why you're wife and your computer setups are on opposite sides of the room?
Love the floor of your house (from a new homeowner who just did her floor)
If ya want i could sell you an upgrade GPu as soon as my new one gets here, its a 650ti boost, you guys seem to have some older cards so why not!
Quick question. How easy is it to get the TV to be receive the output hdmi over the monitors? Does it involve unplugging, software or simple plug 'n' play? I'm looking at having it out through the wall for my house in renovations now.
Depends on the graphics card. The 50 inch tv is hooked up to my roommates 780. He has it running "at all times" with his other monitors. He mirrors his main monitor to the tv. If you switch the tv to the appropriate input it just shows up.
Be warned incoming bookmarks. The last thread everyone wanted to know about masturbation. We have bedrooms and tablets.
It's a legitimate concern of mine.
Makes sense. I'm married porn is just for cleaning the pipes. Don't care much about the experience.
I don't think that could be phrased any better. Long term relationships are exactly the same way. Porn = Straight pipe cleaning rather than any sort of experience.
'Top of the line i3'?? Hm. Try an i7
That's the joke. When I bought them over two years ago I got a great deal on them so the performance drop from the i5 was worth it. They were the best i3's you could buy at the time.

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