2 Monitors - Computer Setup


Oh my god the cable nest!
Yeah.. I need to sort that out.
Twist ties or zip ties once wrapped to the desired length.
How did you connect 2 monitors to your MBP?
Do you know if the 13 inch retina has that too?
So could you use the retina display, and then two external monitors, 1 via hdmi and 1 via hdmi mini display port?
Yeah, sadly my desk isn't big enough, my room's pretty small.
Lag on the 2nd monitor?
Nope, no lag as far as I can tell.
Personally I use the Mini-display port adapter for one screen and then a USB video card for another. There is some lag.
Is that really good for the MBP to be running with the lid closed? I'm just thinking of the fan exhaust coming out hitting the glass.
Yep! It's designed to be used closed also.
Where did you get the wallpapers?
Erm.. I really can't remember sorry.
Nice choice on the displays!
What kind of displays are they? I'm looking for a new displays.
They're both Dell S2440L's.
Just wanna say you should be careful with the monitor on your MBP. I'm not sure if the retina's have the same problem, but my friend burned the screen on his 2010 so there's brown on it and the screen is dim. I would recommend keeping the screen open just in case.
What was he doing on the MBP?
I think the Retina MBP would be fine. I use mine closed quite often with zero issues, the fan system is different from other MBP models where not much heat leaves through the keyboard.
I can't remember exactly what he said had happened. But the other day we were playing a LAN game of Civilization and the bottom of his screen is noticeably damaged.
Guess it helps that I don't play games on my Retina.
God damn you Chris I want your setup
Shouldve put your 40 inch tv in there too!
Nice computer setup. I feel like the sheep on the right knows we are analyzing him on coolcomputersetups.
I have that same case, I think! Love the screen setup. More screen real estate the better.
Looks great mate, just fix those wires!
I'll spend tomorrow on em!
Is that an HP Elite that I see on the floor?
It's currently hooked up to my Retina Pro.
Really like the thin bezels on your monitors. Also tidy your cables pls D:
Thanks, also yeah I will do.
Yeah, you probably should return the deathstalker. I'm also using a rubber dome right now, and will be trying out some mechanical kbs after I get some money.
Really recommend that you dont clamshell your laptop. When plugging it into monitors it tends to get quite hot, especially if you plan on using any heavy lifting apps (gaming, photoshop, something like that).
Not sure why you got downvoted. I commented the exact same thing the moment I saw this post. My friends screen got really damaged this way since the aluminum near the top of the keyboard tends to get very hot.
Yeah I doubt it will matter too much with the retina with it having vents on the side.
Thanks for the heads up.
I don't think there'll be a problem. I've seen people use these retinas for hours and hours a day, doing demanding tasks, closed,
I've been running MBPs in clam shell for 8+ hours a day for 3+ years now (and the old white MacBook for 3 years before that) and never had an issue with it.
Did they change it? I have a pro. Are the exhaust ports still where the screen attaches to the body?
I think they added some vents down the sides, but the fans still blow out the back (AFAIK).
Nice! I have the Dragon Age 2 Edition (I love the red backlights) so I guess we don't have the EXACT same keyboard.
Wait.. dont tell me your getting the really expensive one with the fancy buttons that you're never gonna use
Nah, I got this one:

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