Computer Setup


Specs: i7-4770k @ 4.4Ghz ASRock extreme 4 z87 mobo 120gb Samsung 840 SSD 2TB seagate barracuda HDD 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance 2x EVGA GTX 760 in SLI Corsair H80 CPU cooler Raidmax 735W PSU
Quite a good computer setup for not finished!
Thanks, it's finished technically, but ill never be satisfied with it! Always wanting to tweak something!
What case do you use?
Noice! Don't you just love it?! So much performance for oh so little.. I only have the backplate on the top card. Didn't see the pint of an extra $20 for one you can't see. Did you have any issues with your backplates? I can't get a couple of the screws to go completely in, like they are definitely threaded differently than the original screws, it's weird.
I have that desk. It's a good desk
It is, Its just not wide enough, I'm going to get a bigger one for a thrd monitor soon, but for the $25 I paid for the desk it's definitely served me well and is sturdy

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