Computer Setup


Love the retro apple speakers :D
Thanks for the comments guys :)
Lol yeah they're Harman soundsticks , I did buy them because I like the looks hehe
Gotta ask--how are you connecting those Cinema Displays to a modern GPU?
Apple and a few other companies made DVI to ADC adapters :) Unfortunately, people that have them know what they are and they tend to sell for more than the monitors do on ebay XD
BTW, there is a PowerMac G5 sitting dormant on the right. I'm not quite sure what to do with it, seeing as my web serving demands are a little light to run it at 120w idle. The desktop is an Aurora R4, running a GTX 660 and i7 3820, it drives both cinema displays most of the time. Sometimes it runs other OSes other than Windows, one in particular matches those screens nicely, but since the hard drive it was on died I haven't really bothered to get a new one to stick it on, and dual booting windows on the same hard drive with anything else is a pain I'd rather not deal with. XD
Yeah, I was just curious on that; I used to have one of the 20"s with a MDD G4 back in the day, and always wished that I'd figured out a cheaper way of connecting them than the official adapters.

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