21:9 Pc Setup - Computer Setup


Nice setup. If the forced resolution in eyefinity is bugging you, there is a work around. Using a program (I'm using the custom resolution utility) you can force the resolution of your larger monitor to be an option for the other two (select-able through the regular screen resolution drop down in the control panel). It will force the two lower resolution monitors to the same aspect ratio as the larger, which looks horrible for regular desktop use but should let you use the full resolution of all three monitors in game, with their standard aspect ratio. You can set two presets in CCC to switch between the two easily (I use a hotkey combination). This is most certainly not an optimal solution, and the ability to use different resolutions in eyefinity would be great, but it should work (at least, it does for me).
Yep I had made my research and found something about CRU, but I couldn't use it the way I understood it (force the middle screen in one sole resolution). Your way makes more sense. If I have the chance to use them again I'll try what you said
How did you feel with the two vs the three? Do you think you'd stick with the 3 full time if you had the option?
Well, if I had an opportunity, and could use the middle screen in its native resolution, I think I'd keep it that way. The dual screen is something I use everyday so adding one more is always good (I sometimes run out of space when programming.)
Me so jealous. So fresh and so clean!
This is really nice and clean. Good job!
Thanks ! Even tho it's on a kitchen table so the cleanness was really temporary.
That looks pretty damn sexy !
It is ! Thanks !
Nope, its just one haha
Maybe he meant two by its wideness, don't you think ?
Ah yes, I do suppose. But still indeed only a single monitor. Btw, I like the setup! It's a shame Eyefinity doesn't allow you to use the native resolution of that 21:9 along with the two off to the sides.
The side ones are Dell U2414H, and the middle one is a Dell U2913WM.
Christ, how much did all of those monitors cost you in total?
The two Dell u2414H are not mine, but in total these three cost around 900€. Pretty expensive setup.

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