3rd Monitor - Computer Setup


Okay A. Those r-35s look beautifullllllll (I'm a Nissan fan) B. You should make your two, outside pictures of r-34's a front picture of a,r-35 so they all face towards you.
Haha. Sounds like a good idea. I have always liked the R-35s and see the occasionally around Dallas, TX area. The R-35 are still the original I think.
I see them around Michigan more often than you would expect, insanely beautiful car
I wish I could see a R-34 here in the US though. My favorite R-35 I have seen was all white with black accents everywhere.
Too bad we have regulation laws shoved up our ass.
I went from back from 3 to 2. I didn't do anything that required the 3rd monitor so it just kind of sat there being useless. Now I just have 2 24" and all is right with the world.
I went from 4 down to 2 and I nearly killed myself, I'm back to 3 and it's getting better soon I will be back to 2.
I did the same. A third monitor for only keeping the email client there was kind of a waste. I've been happily using 2 x 24" as well, but recently I got myself a 30"er, which I've combined with one 24" monitor. However, that 30" is so large that I'm thinking about giving up the second monitor.
Only thing I need now is a new cleaner mousepad, that one is covered in dust. Thinking about a tekmat or another mousepad close to the same size. I am still working on the wires. There better then last time. Also need to build a new computer stand.
Mousepads are pretty easy to clean, just hose down, scrub with soap, house down and let dry. If you want a new mousepad that's full size then sure, upgrade but I would just do a quick clean on your current one and save it for a desperate situation (eg lan gaming).
Thanks for the tip. Yeah I will definitely hold on to it. I will try and clean it this weekend.
How do you like that mouse? Looking to get for FPS gaming
Love the mouse, just recently got it. If you like a mouse where your whole hand is supported and each finger has a spot buy it. I have to lower the DPI for FPS gaming to get more accurate shots, like sniper shots in BF4. Best part no squeaking scroll wheel like my previous steel series mouse. Only thing I wish it had more weight too it but that is personally just me. Good build quality and the matte finish is nice.
Why is three monitor's so glorious? I can understand two, but not three. Two is handy, but three seems a bit excessive...
You can never have enough monitors. How I use it currently is middle monitor usually has the main application that I am using, then left are either skype, steam, origin, or pidgin with anything chat related going on. Also put all my stickies over there. Right side monitor usually is for web browser for references. I know some will say "oh I can do that all with a single monitor". I have tried that and hated it. This makes everything feel separated which I like.
See. For me, that's what two is good for. Having steam or something chat related on the left would just be distracting. I'm not saying it can be done on a single monitor, it's just three that I don't see except maybe for video making or admin work, but for regular stuff/uni work, or tri-screen gaming, two is more than sufficient.
And I would agree with your statement too two was enough but what I really wanted was the larger screen. I had been at two for a long time but three is perfect for me.

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