LED Monitors - Computer Setup


You are one obnoxious human being.
I cringe every time I see someone whining about their credit. This causes me to immediately go on a downvote spree to show them how much I really care about their credit.
You have an ssd for a coaster? Fuck you.
In his defense, it's hard to sell an SSD under 120GB these days especially if they're old. Last year I sold a V100 64GB for like $45 shipped. Once you install an OS on there it doesn't leave much space for anything else. It was also 1\2 the speed of my 250GB Samsung. That 30GB is worth $25 max to someone. It's an expensive coaster.
I'd buy it for $25. I want an SSD in my netbook.
What OS would you install on it?
It is currently running Crunchbang distro of linux very well. I doubt I'd change that.
A linux install would be the best solution. Windows itself takes up around 19GB on the drive once installed. No programs can be installed on it lest the drive not have enough space to move data around. With a smaller OS, you could put programs and apps on there and have a swell time
I'd think Ubuntu would work well.
Debian mimimal, lxde or xfce would work fine as well as any openbox sort. crunchbang is always fun.
I appreciate this comment. People on this sub are more irrational than I anticipated. It is nearly WORTHLESS. It is slow and useless for me.
The SSD is worth $20, not even worth the price to ship. Take things personally much?
I think it was more of a "fuck you, I'm jealous that you have excess things like that". I don't think he was trying to be rude OP. Just some of us aren't able to upgrade things as much and have to keep things like that around. Even if they aren't super useful compared to newer products.
How do people have such nice setups in college dorms? don't you have roommates who need space too? and guests who sometimes come over or stay the night?
Community college from home :) and I spend too much money, however I work a lot of hours
Your comment is misleading. You would have known that I saved $200 during a memorial day sale at cyberpower had you read my previous comment in its entirety. I got my 960 for the price of a 920, as well as other computer parts at low prices. Go ahead and pay more if you are hating on the brand alone.
Can you post a link to the wallpaper please? Thanks!
I would like one too.
I have the M65 white version myself aswell, since i clearly see that you are trying to get a white theme i would highly recommend a Shine 3
My friend has this keyboard in RED! Great man, if my sidewinder ever fails, that's where I'm headed.
Can you post your rainmeter/desktop setup? that looks slick.
How long have you had that mouse for? Has their been any sign of dirt or stains?
Iv had it for a couple of months now, and yea it get like sweatstains kinda easily but then again, maybe it's just me.
The tweeters on your speakers need to be at ear level for them to be effective.
Also the speakers should be placed upright and not on its side...
I've never used speakers before, is this true?
Ok. The issue is that until I get my larger desk, this is the temporary reality. My larger desk will allow the speakers to be properly setup; I appreciate this comment, I was expecting someone knowledgeable to call me out.
Buzz Lightyear pillow really ties it all together.
Just a tip regarding the monitor stand, you can adjust the sag of the arms if you adjust them inwards or outwards on the middle joint.
Have the same problem myself and at least I could line them up close to perfect that way. Not sure if you have enough room with the triple stand though.
Ok I'll try that, ty
No, that is not the stand he has... his has separate swivel arms per 'wing' monitor, while the linked stand does have separate arms per monitor, they do not swivel and are mounted to the middle piece in a manner that almost makes them look like one solid arched arm.
How do you like that stand? Decent for what it is? I'm seriously thinking about that exact unit (price being a big reason why) but not ready to take the plunge.
I love it, I don't even have LED monitors and there is no sag whatsoever on either side after over a year of use. I've taken the monitors off a couple times as well. Great stand for the price.
Same stand different vendor! Yeah thanks. I'm going to get another one, I'll ask around r/gaming setups
Sir please redact this, the linked stand is not the same as yours. Please see my reply comment to the original question.
One of these gaming setups that gives me a boner. 11/10 would bang.
Thanks mate! Best backpack around
The keyboard is the Sidewinder X6 fyi.
LOL "let me just... casually place this untouched copy of TCP/IP essentials in the shot.... there, perfect!"
Killer man! Puts my dorm computer setup to shame lol
He said he got then open box so they may have been used and returned.
They were not used, but the cans have a ridiculous amount of use
LOL it's definitely the use. I have put well over 1000 hours of break in on these cans. Think I can throw the pads in the wash by themselves, or do you recommend another cleaning method?
Keep these college set ups coming
Dang, now I want some Chipotle.
Have the same phone stand from corning
Nice! Probably same Chinese company that manufactures them
Not sure why you're getting so many downvotes.
I really appreciate this comment. This sub confuses me sometimes. I think the 'college' description with the nice parts is turning people off. It is what it is, and I enjoy it.
So, are all gaming setups "college gaming setups" now?
I look at is a context qualifier qualifier around here. It justifies (unnecessarily) why it's not better or kind of says "I'm young but still have a much better setup than most people."
My college pc was home built in a pc case that was missing the external panels and buttons. It had an on button hot glued to the top of it.
What kind of switches on the keyboard?
Not entirely sure, I can't seem to find information on this on google. I also have no idea where the manual for this is, it's lasted me a couple years now. I know that it isn't mechanical.
I thought so, I read mechanical sidewinder and got pretty excited since I've been looking for a backlit, mechanical, tenkeyless. Oh well, Sweet setup.
The cooler master quick fire rapid or the tk model has those features. I have one with red switches and love it so much
I actually ended up with the Rapid, but its not backlit. Still a good board imo though.
There are plenty of those out there you know?
Only one I'm aware of is the Ducky Shine, and those are tough to come by.
I admit, its been a while since I've looked. Max KB released the blackbird at the end of last year that fits the bill as well.
Mhm, they are there, just requires a little bit of looking.
On sale in Newegg email deals right now.
My bad. I could've sworn it was. Apologies for the misleading link.
The CM Quickfire TK is the mech I have, and I love it. It blends the numpad with the arrow keys/those other keys I don't know the name of and it's pretty awesome. It's also backlit in different colors depending on the kind of switch you get.
Ya I mistakenly said it was mechanical, but you caught it lol.
I have two of the same monitors as you. Mine aren't the same height either. It's really weird that Asus make a monitor with a nice thin bezel, and then make each one slightly different so you can't find two or three that actually match.
All of the monitors are exactly the same that's not the problem, the stand is the issue
What's up with mine then haha. I think it's actually more that they don't quite sit straight on their stands, so when next to eachother one looks higher because it's at a bit of an angle.
What model are the monitors?
That just brings me to neweggs' homepage. But if those are VG248QE's maybe it doesn't matter to you but I'd DVI the shit out of them cause that's the only way you'll get 144Hz out of them. If you are cool with 60Hz then by all means disregard my comment! Nice setup by the way! :)
Display port works at 144hz too and it has built in audio like hdmi
Hey that's good to know! thanks for the correction.
There are no DVI ports on the monitors, but they are OC'ed to 72hz
Ok, but what I'm trying to say is that an HDMI cable can't process information any faster than 60Hz. So regardless of what your monitor is capable of, If youre using HDMI youre getting 60Hz, flat. whereas with DVI and Displayport (as bennyschup just informed me) the restriction is set much higher than with HDMI allowing for those higher refresh rates. I'm not sure how this relates to tv's considering most are HDMI but from all I've read so far you can't achieve higher than 60Hz with an HDMI cable on a monitor.
How do you like that mouse?
It's VERY nice, I have it in black.
I like it but I wish I had a somewhat larger one for my large hand size. The features are amazing, the sniper button has improved my k/d
See I would never be able to have different colored keyboard and mouse it would bother me way to much.
God I love the sidewinder. I just wish it would make a comeback with mechanical switches.
That mouse is stealing the show! amazing looking mouse. 10/10 will buy.
30gb ssd as a coaster!! fuck my country prices.
Unggggggggggggggggggg. I fricken love Chipotle!
Wait, how did you fit a C70 case window on your 650D? Can we get more pics of your case?
How comfortable is the chair for long sessions?
I can't complain, but I slouch :/ I didn't choose the chair, it was a gift. I would choose it over any fake leather officemax chair any day.
Looks great, the only thing I'd recommend is to pick up a good UPS to protect your desktop and equipment.
So wait, I'm confused. Does 3x RAM actually have a benefit? I figured since it runs everything binary that adding a third stick wouldn't actually add to the capacity or be used to full potential.
No it doesn't. It is very difficult to purchase ram in 3x4GB amounts, so adding more will involve me purchasing 16GB probably. This is only with 1st gen i7 mobos, and then they went back to dual channel
Are you currently hosting that Minecraft server? I'd love to join depending on what type it is
I am but I am renting! it is a survival adventure pvp hardcore deathban looting server. The idea is that you will explore tunnels, caves, mountains, castles, cities, towns, ect., on a nordic themed map. You cannot break blocks, and you must loot the buildings to find food and weapons.
Yo what Astros are those... I'm looking for a pair and don't know what to get. A40's or 50's??
I have A40's and A30's I am looking to sell for a modest price. I havent yet found a buyer. I am missing one cable for the A40 set, but I have an extra optical, rechargable batteries for the amp, and other things to make up for it. Both are in very good used condition. Please PM me if you are interested, make me an offer!
Depends on your price range. Personally I like the wired headsets better than the wireless one. I feel like you lose quality when you go wireless but it may be in my head
OP, I've been thinking about buying the M65, how do you like it? Is it great for gaming? I've heard the white one can be a little slippery because it's not grippy like the black.
It is excellent, but make sure to do some research on mouse grips such as, "the claw," "pal grip," and others. This one will fit a palm grip well, and is ok for a claw grip. You must have medium sized hands for them to fit. Adult male sized hands are too large. I would honestly just go Razer anyway though lol
How long have you had the mouse? I like it in white, but Id hate to see it get dingy
6 months, its a VERY solid mouse, sturdy, no breakage, and I have always been nice to it. I recommend that mouse over all other mice in that price range, but remember to keep grip type and palm size in mind. It fits medium hands, not adult male size palms.
I have the Sidewinder X4, how's its bigger brother?
Amazing. Full of skin, dust, sweat, and tears (metaphoric ones :). So it needs an extensive cleaning job after 2 years use lol. I LOVE the music knob!
Eghem, not ancient. It is 2 years old, and it's an i7, and I am OC'ing this beast more and more. I can run BF4 at Ultra around 80-120 frames on one 1080p monitor, with the other 2 as audio and internet ones. It's definitely fine lol
Damn college student, you poor
How do you like that Astro backpack?
Most reliable backpack I have ever used. I have had it since sophomore year of highschool, when I was 15. I am now 19 :) One tip, be gentle with the waterbottle pouch.
That... in college? What, do you own a Fortune 500 company or something? Holy fucking hell.
Horrible monitor (speaker) placement man. I'm sure you can afford some stands for those!
Well, I haven't heard any audible problems with my sound. Can you explain to me why they should be placed differently?
That's a cool keyboard man, I have the same one.
Cool! I love it. Lasts a lifetime
A rubber dome... lasting a lifetime? Uh... yeah, sure.. ok...
Why the fuck is all OPs comments being downvoted
Maybe because hes shown that the downvotes bother him
Dude I don't even know. I appreciate this comment <3
I like the mouse pad for the wrist rest. I am thinking of getting a larger one once I go to my steel desk, then I will buy a long wrist rest for the length of my table at OfficeMax (where I also work lol).
That looks like a palm grip mouse. With those, it's bad to have a wrist rest.
Looks like a good setup, most important thing is that you enjoy what you have and make the most of it !
I tried to stick with the sidewinder, I really did, for years.
Being a BX8 user I can ssy its happy to see someone else using the same model line as myself. Now if I could just get my hands on the matching sub...
What's with all the quotation marks?
Man I loved my school loans. Just wait until you have to pay them back and you'll be looking at your gaming setup and ask yourself "Was it worth it?"
Haha I can't say that thought isn't in my mind from time to time
Dude that's how I built my i7 920 + GTX 480. Still paying it off and I recently built (and fully paid for) my i5-4670K + GTX 780Ti. School loans get to ya after you're graduated. No longer fun and games. :(
Ya! Dude that's really cool, i had a 570 at first, then sli 570s, then the heat was 90 celcius lol. Anyway, yeah. I'm applying for scholarships and going to community school atm so that I can save a few bucks in the long run. Saving my money!
Well my (old) build now has SLI'd 480s, a Vertex 2 120GB (originally had Vertex Turbo 30GB), and a Cooler Master V8 (with high temps at 75C, OUCH!).
Yeah the 400 and 500 series were running inferior coolers. If you have room, get some aftermarket 2 fan heatsinks. I eventually sold them and bit the bullet when I bought a Galaxy 780 the day of its release.
Hi there. Go suck a dick, <3
Oh god I want that SSD I don't have one at all
It is the best bang for your buck ssd. The samsung is superior with speed, but this guy is still really fast and is better for the cost.
I lived with a 60GB ($150!) SSD for years, Windows took half of it, the other half was filled with a few large programs (Adobe suite, VMware, Steam games) and documents. It was fast compared to my old HDD, but living with 300MB of free space was painful. This was back when the crappiest 120GB SSD was ~$220.
Love the backpack. Got one myself and I was honestly more impressed with the quality of the backpack than my Astros. Love my Astros though!
What kind of backpack is it?
It is an Astro Gaming Scout backpack. It has a spot for headphones, a spot to fit a whole console and plenty of cable management pockets. Plenty of padding too for peace of mind.
The Faggot meter is off the chains with that chipotle cup taking the cake. Do you have a white fedora and smokers jacket to compliment your 'rig'?
Why the hell am I getting downvoted for all of my responses? If you don't find my answers adequate, then I won't respond to any further comments. This coolcomputersetups confuses me.
This coolcomputersetups is full of assholes.
Only one I saw downvoted was the one where you gave incorrect info regarding the monitor backing.
I gave the correct link in the end, and I believe the stands are nearly identical, worst case.
Don't worry about em... Care to share the desk?
Yeah, you know how it is. Unfortunately it is not for sale :(
Or share information what desk it is?...
First off, why was that last comment of mine downvoted? Second, it's from West Elm, there's a retail store near where I live
I couldn't understand that either hahaa. So...I bookmarkd all of them.
We will band together, praise be to gaben.
Guessing it was this mount? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006JG7G2E/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 was thinking of picking it up as well.
I'm going to need you to post that wallpaper.
The Nehalem based I7's have a triple channel memory controller, hence 3 sticks.
Do they? I stand corrected then. Triple Channel is an unusual configuration.
Who says I am not using it all? :D
One of the nicest gaming setups I've seen on here. Maybe not the most extravagant, but definitely looks really homey.
Thanks, I appreciate it! Why are you getting downvoted? :( this sub today, man.

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