That Monitor - Computer Setup


TIL I want a loft.
Where did you get that desk? I've been looking for a solid dark wood corner desk for awhile. Also, very nice loft!
Seconded. all i ever see are ikea desks. as good and cheap as they are, you dont see too many nice corner desks like in this set.
I purchased it from Levin furniture about 5 years ago, thanks! I tried to find you a link, but no luck finding it anywhere, sorry about that. I have a friend that made one out of two by fours after he saw mine, not as classy but it still serves its purpose!
Link found! Looks like Sams Club carried it at one point.
That is a serious amount of class in one room. Very nice computer setup and even cooler place.
Well thank you! Been a year in the making.
Wow. I want a loft.
That tron keyboard is badass
The lighting makes it looks pretty cool, its actually just an apple wireless keyboard. Thanks!
I want a bed like that. Super cool.
I really like your sense of style.
Anyone have a link to where I can buy that awesome bed?
How's that Mr. Coffee warmer? Does it work well at all? The reviews on Amazon are pretty mixed.
It works for about about two hours... Then it makes your coffee taste like sludge. ಠ_ಠ
Awesome setup! What is it like having sex on top of all that stuff though? Won't the... ruckus cause some collateral damage? Especially with the monitor mounted to the post like that...
What are you using to get two external monitors out of an iMac? I have a MBP, and I'm exploring adding a 2nd external monitor somehow.
It's an IO Gear USB to DVI converter, I'll find you a link when I get near my computer. That monitor runs a little slow due to this, but I mainly just keep iTunes or a calendar on that screen anyway so it doesn't bother me. Thanks!
Wow, have the same speakers, never thought to stick the volume knob to the underside of the desk, what did you use to secure it to the desk? Thanks
Just some 3M command strips
Did you use anything special to connect the two extra monitors?
The left one uses an IO Gear USB to DVI converter... I'll post a link later today!
Forget your gaming setup, I want to know more about your furniture!
My nerd boner is showing. Lofts are awesome and so is this setup!
That's an awesome loft, man.
Very unique setup, I like it.
I like the mounted usb hub and the overall style, very cool! What is your next upgrade or thing you are interested in?
I'm glad you asked this... I could actually use some inspiration here. Anyone have any ideas? I would eventually like to upgrade my speakers but considering this is in an apartment it almost seems silly because I can't turn them up too loud.
That is one classy solid wood desk/bed combination.
You need better computer speakers.
Next on the list! Recommendations?
I love this idea. But, I wouldn't be able to sleep with the fear of me crashing onto all the expensive equipment.
Wow what a great atmosphere
Is that a USB coffee cup warmer?
That is an amazing setup. I wish i could get a queen size bunk like that.
That does not look fun to get to when drunk.
Screw you for being cooler than me. But seriously, awesome setup
Absolutely digging the loft setup. Two thumbs way up!
Yo dawg, I heard you like lofts.

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