That Monitor - Computer Setup


Just looking at your 4k screen through this picture is amazing
It is definitely amazing. I mainly bought it for more pixels thus more screen space (I can put 3 web pages side by side easily), but I never expected 4k to look so fantastic in person!
How does video look on it? It's 30hz at 4k right?
30 hz? Wouldn't that be terrible as a computer screen?
30 hz should be just fine for movies and coding.
Exactly, at first I noticed a big difference, but after using it for a day, I don't notice the 30hz at all. I rarely ever game, and I can always switch over to 1080p at 120hz if I have the need to. It is great for watching videos, especially 4k content! I can say I am definitely pleased!
At 4k it does drop to 30hz, which is fine for everything but games. Plus he has a single 7970, so he isn't going to be playing BF4 etc on max settings at 4k with 120fps anyways. I think to attain that graphical power it's dual or more 780ti's or something like that.
Its 30hz at 2 and 4k. Everything else is at 120hz.
How did you get the win8-esque tiles on your desktop?
How can you afford this?
My trust fund is bigger than your trust fund.
If you only worked 10 hours part time at $10/hr for 1 year you'd be able to afford all this nearly 3 times over.
Exactly this, I have been working since my Freshman year of high school (Sophomore in College Now) and accruing this setup since then as well. I started with the late 2008 Unibody MacBook (not MacBook Pro). I acquired the Lanboy air case, with the 6970 and some lower end other internals. In my junior year I sold my old internals to a friend, and upgraded to what I have now. I was still using a single 14" CRT Monitor at this time mind you. After that I got the two U2410s off of ebay used for $170 a piece which was a great deal and there are only a 3 dead pixels total. Freshman year of college I started buying hard drives for the NAS, but I just put them in my tower for temporary utilization. The Seiki 4k was Christmas gift from my parents this last Christmas, but getting it on sale for a little more than $400, it wasn't terribly expensive. On black friday I ordered the rest of the NAS parts and the 7970, all for great deals and that's how I got to my current setup. And as for snowboarding, I only went 2 times last year, and will probably only go once or twice this year, so at $19 bucks a time, that isn't really a big expense.
And not done anything else expensive (likeeeee say snowboarding or eating) in that year
Getting all textbooks from the library
Well then.... I find myself really wanting this setup. I wish they could deliver that 4k at 60HZ. Then i'd be so game. I really want to step it up from 30 inches.
Dell and Asus have monitors that will do it. 31.5 inches. Around 2500 USD.
I was originally wanting a 60hz 4k monitor but the prices are ridiculous. You can get this 39" Seiki for a little north of $400 on sale, where Dell and Asus expect 2500 for a smaller monitor that does 60hz. I know Seiki isn't exactly a great name, but I haven't had any problems so far and am loving the extra screen real estate!
Do you sit on a gymball?
Yes, I spend a lot of time doing computer work for classes and my back was beginning to hurt so I got a $25 gym ball instead of a much more expensive ergonomic chair. My friends all give me shit for it, but no more back problems.
Does it not get uncomfortable? I'm 6'3 and there has been a history of back problems in my family. I might get one too.
I don't think it gets uncomfortable at all, and I definitely sit on it enough. Sometimes after the gym I wish I had a chair to slouch back in, but besides that it works great. I got a larger sized ball (75cm I believe from Amazon for like $16). I'm 6'4" by the way and it fits me great. All three of my roommates hate the ball though, although none of them have use it for long periods or have back problems. I would say try it out for $16. At the very worst now you have a gym ball around the house/apartment etc. to workout with or something along those lines. And it can always be deflated for storage.
Monitors: Two Dell U2410s in Portrait on either side of a Seiki 4k 39" TV
I love you tower computer! Could you provide a link for the Lanboy Air case? Because I can't seem to find it :(
Tower computer love lambkeeper too.
Have you had any problems running Ubuntu off a flash drive? I'm thinking of switching from my Vertex SSD to free the second sata port on my atom d525mw server.
For some reason every time it boots up it does a disk check, and I haven't been able to figure out why, but it only adds about 10 seconds to the startup time, and seeing as it is a NAS, it is always on, this isn't a problem for me. Other than that I have not yet experienced any problems (although it does take a long time to boot).
Do you have a link for the lake wallpaper?
I can't seem to find a link to it, but I'll post it up online when I get back if you would like!
All I could think about was if that snowboard fell somehow...
I think about that constantly, but it takes quite a bit to get it to tip off, and I am going to tape the top to the wall for extra security!
How do use connect those displays, software wise? Do you use the AMD eyefinity software or the built in windows support?
I have AMD CCC installed, but I don't use eyefinity, I just use the default windows manager and it works out pretty well. One piece of software I will definitely recommend is WinSplit Revolution. It makes moving windows around a large display, and multiple displays much easier as it is all done with keyboard shortcuts.
What desk is that? I really like it.
This better become a top post. Beautiful!!
Dumb question, is there software to split 4k display by simply shooting 4 projectors at a big wall?
3840x2160. Or 1920x1080 doubled.
So I'd need only 2 1080p projectors or approx 3 "standard def" 1024x786(not sure about the real ratio on that) projectors?
Patience, and the technology will be affordable. I remember when plasma TVs were 15k+
Really loving how you put your snowboard on the wall like that, I've always imagined that I'd do exactly the same as you.
What kind of bias lighting is that? Does it have usb power?
Upvote for the Brew Crew!
That monitor is just amazing to look at, even on a picture. Awesome setup, really digg it. What is the led backlight you are using?

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