The Monitor - Computer Setup


How do you like your Blue ball?
I'd love to hear this question answered. I'm really interested in the ball, as it seems like it would be great for Axon and laying some acoustic tracks down.
That exactly why I'm interested. Supposed to buy one from a friend soon.
I own one. It decent quality. Whatever you do, don't buy the Ice (White) version. It only has one configuration that picks up everything your neighbors are doing 3 doors down. Though if you have the money, buy the Yeti.
I own a white snowball, and I have all three configurations. Don't go around spreading lies!
I had no idea that the different colors had different configurations. Thanks, the Yeti looks right up my alley!
The silver ball has 3 different mic settings that essentially limit the noise intake, white the white version has 1. The Yeti, being only $50 more is a better mic, with more features. The Nessie just came out as well, though it lacks some features.
My white has 3 settings.
The new Blue Nessie is a great microphone. Its only like a hundred bucks as well. Definitely worth it.
I love mine, if that's any consolation.
As an owner of one I have a mixed reaction to it. All the reviews made it look so awesome. The first setting is kind of hollow and picks up a lot of the surrounding area and you sound quiet unless the mic is close to you. The third setting can hear me talking upstairs in the kitchen at a normal volume. The second setting is the setting you would use to record vocals or do commentary but, because it's the best sounding, you need to be really close to it or else it'll barely pick you up.
Looks like the One X, I loved it at first, but after I dropped it literally around 2 feet up from concrete, the whole left screen shattered even though it's Gorilla Glass. Now I'm stuck with it for 8 more months because of my contract.
Its just the htc one. Close though!
Some local shops will replace this stuff. It will probably void a warranty but it sounds like they won't fix it anyway so who gives a fuck?
I have it and I love it!
I switched from a GS3 to an HTC One X+ and it's the best move I've ever made, phone-wise. Awesome piece of tech.
I keep seeing those fancy mics on peoples' gaming setups. Excuse my ignorance, but what is it/what is it for?
I use it for voiceovers on tech reviews.
Whats that monitor? I love it.
Its an HP 27wb 27 inch ips monitor! (27xi in the states)
Does the 7ms response time become an issue with gaming?
I really havent noticed it, input lag is what you have to look out for. get a nice 500+ dollar system with a 300 dollar monitor and im stuck with my 350 dollar being broke is a bitch :D
Radeon 7790 seems like a smart choice then
Really depends on how much you wanna spend.
That 7ms is a deal breaker.
Don't pay attention to response time when choosing a monitor especially the false numbers posted by manufacturers which is grey to grey, look into input lag if you want a gaming monitor.
Finally someone with brains. still. 7ms. I could have 2ms for a lot less. anyway i guess it doesnt really matter
7ms is less than half a frame, how do you people notice?
It's not something you notice visually , you notice it in control
That's a damn good price.
You get what you pay for. Or in this case, a lot less than you pay for.
As opposed to a shit ton less than you paid for?
1920x1080, 7ms, and that horrible bezel!? I would never consider purchasing that monitor. I really don't think you could do much worse. Yeah it is 27", but 27" of crap is still crap.
Point me to a 27 inch ips monitor that is better for 179.99 (what I paid for it)
Honest question, I run an Eyefinity rig, so I understand the importance of a thinner bezel, I prefer to debezel. Why does a thick bezel matter if you're only using ons screen?
How is your Minecraft character mid "swing" when you're not even touching the mouse?
DIdn't think of that. Thanks.
Hmm, I'm going to take a wild guess based on that hand... Might that be Guude?
Gah, got close at least!
I've been looking at the Razer Nostromo, is it any good?
God, its amazing. Especially for battlefield. It has gotten to the point where i dont want to play on other computers because its so uncomfortable.
I save my profiles to Dropbox to have access to them when I have to use another computer.
This! I'm actually not much of a gamer, but I work heavily with computers (GIS and Remote Sensing). I have my own workflow highly standardized across a few work machines but have found that it's easier to hotkey the hell out of a gaming mouse and cloud save profiles than to set up countless extra machines. I just wish I knew this even a year ago.
I have one, and I love mine. I find that i prefer it with FPS games over any others. RPG or MMO's I'm usually typing too much, and it becomes a bother to switch back and forth.
I would look at the Orbweaver if you want something mechanical. If you don't need/want mechanical you can get the Tartarus that's the updated version of the Nostromo.
What are the specs (graphics card in particular)?
What are gamepads for? FPS, mmo, or what? I'm really confused by them.
What's your channel's name? Just wondering if I've seen it before :)
Clean up your desk top.
Cool, I have those same speakers. The monitor looks a bit glossy though.
How are the speakers?
Pretty good! They're, in my experience, better than much else in the price range - I got them on sale back about 3 years ago for $20, which was a great buy.
Okay thanks! I could just never find anybody's input for the speakers and i've been planning on buying them.
I've been looking for new speakers. can you tell me how long you've had them and maybe a model number if it's not too much trouble
Here you go. I've had them for 3 years, I use them occasionally with my desktop PC for gaming/music listening/movie watching. They sound quite well, and the bass is decent. There are a ton of more helpful reviews there though!
Is amazon where you got them for 20 bucks?
Nah, they were on sale at Staples. Might check brick-and-mortar retailers online to see if they have them cheaper. (Or eBay. Or Craigslist.)
Thanks for the help. i'm the type of person that doesn't buy anything more than 10 bucks without researching it. and the search for decent/low priced speakers has been stressing em out but I've been really looking into these and they seem like the best option.
Got a link for that background picture? reminds me of mass effect kinda. nice station. im jealous.
Nice phone. I just got it.
The title of this post is basically describing me in a gaming setup
That monitor has quite a nice bezel.
Nice! What desk is that?
I used to use that wallpaper!
We have the same case and dvd drive! What an uninteresting coincidence.
Wow, your high-school has decent computers.
The Shinobi is gorgeous. I bought one for $20 for my new rig, but the case was defective and couldn't get a replacement.
What is your YouTube channel?
That is the best picture of a screen that I've ever seen, it looks like the image is superimposed on to it. Pretty cool stuff.
You are looking at a minecraft on a 27" POS monitor. That scene will bring out the best in any camera.
It looks like you're on the second floor can you get a pic from the first floor angle?
The lens is $100 on amazon. Hardly worth bragging about.
High schooler and a youtube and you play minecraft , odds are your channel is bad
Nope, never made a minecraft video in my life! I do tech reviews, and get paid for it.
Hey quick question what's your channel name?
Based on your post history, that is bullshit. Your post history says you have made a minecraft video, and hide the majority of your videos from the public.
Another 'reviewer' that reviews things that already has 20 reviews for. All for those 142 views. YEAH GETTIN PAID.

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