What Monitor - Computer Setup


Would you mind telling me what you use for the lights behind your monitor? and how are they arranged and controlled?
Continued to read the whole article after his LOTR analogy. Definitely true for me
Thank you. Honestly, I never realized those back lights were for more than aesthetics. Very cool stuff.
You have the same lights as mine.
Anywhere else I can find led? amazon? ebay?
I would enjoying knowing this too.
I would as well like to see how you have your led's setup i purchased an inexpensive amazon kit and not sure if i should attach them to the desk the wall or the back of my monitors. Thanks in advance.
I have mine stuck to the back of my monitor so that they are shining at the wall. That way you don't have weird shadows from the monitor.
Yes let's ask this question and not about the M16 D:
It is more likely just an AR-15. The M16 is a version of the AR-15 produced with a select-fire ability (three round burst, semi, full auto modes)for the US Military. The AR-15 can be bought (or assembled) yourself in the US provided you pass the proper background checks, fill out the right forms, and pay the right taxes/fees depending on where you live except in a couple of states.
I've seen that on /g/ a lot. Great gaming setup :)
Although quite different from the /g/ aesthetic, I've always enjoyed looking at your station.
Is it just me, or does everyone on /g/ have guns near their computer?
Haha it's a plastic toy gun, got it for a fancy dress party i went to last New year. Still fool some people on /g/ with it.
Beautiful! That's a u2711, right? And what are those speakers?
Yep, correct on the monitor. The speakers are Audio Engine P4's.
Wait really? That totally looks like the U3011...
Few more details on your entire audio setup there would be appreciated /g/ent
Onboard audio > Lepai LP-2020A+ > Audio Engine P4's. Hope this helps.
An amp has nothing to do with a sub. It's to power the passive P4 speakers.
Gotcha, I'm a bit of an audio noob, so you've got the sub going straight into your rig?
If you had a amp that supports sub-in as well it would look like this:
Not the OP. But subs are usually powered by themselves, so you only need the line level going to it. I don't know if you can't use most subs with the Lepai as a lot of subs only take line level input. The signal that comes out of the Lepai are high level, as they have already been amplified.
No sub, Live with other people so don't get the chance to have a loud sub anyway. You can have a sub attached to the amp, no sure of the connection order but i have seen a few people do it. Might need to mod it though.
You can route your audio cables through the sub. Most subs will have an audio out on the panel so that it filters out low frequencies, uses it for the sub, and the rest is used by the speakers. So instead of amp --> speakers, you go amp --> sub --> speakers
Depending on how much extra cash you have, you might consider looking to a DAC. A Behringer UCA-202 is an entry level one around 20 dollars and you'll probably notice a difference compared to your onboard audio.
Thanks, yeah i have thought about getting a filo one. Building a new watercooled rig next months so thats where my money is going first.
Audio Engine makes some great products! A good DAC would help you get the most out out of those speaks. I've got the A5s, and I'm using a Nuforce Icon HDP as the source. It sounds pretty awesome!
A5+ and D1 DAC owner, checking in!
Hey, could I get a link to that Lost background from the first photo?
Soz boss, its just paused on one of the first eps. Started watching them for the first time a month back. Now on Season 4.
Ah ok, that's fine. Still one of my favour shows though!
You should really use that pond wallpaper again. The angle of the dock was almost perfectly matched up with the Mac dock.
I have it somewhere, i liked how it lined up as well, might dig it back out :).
Wow great setup! What monitor is that?
Nice Hackingtosh, what did you use as your specs?
The best one i've seen this far.
Nice to see someone else from /g/ on here. Always liked your station. What Lens did you use for the last photo?
Awww I just ruined the same Amplifier you have by accidentally hitting it with my foot. (Volume dial is all messed up)
I love the second picture! Does anyone have a link to the leaf background used?
What case is that for the computer? looks so nice :)
Why does your computer setup by itself looks awesome but with the rest of the room looks less impressive?
Yeah the picture was taken for a 'don't tidy' thread on /g/ a while back. Its normally as tidy as the desk. Thanks for the tips though.
Because its a small room. Plan is to re-arrange it and get a bigger nicer desk. Hopefully that will improve the overall look.

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