What Monitor - Computer Setup


I like the tiny secondary monitor you have atop the speaker. More than enough to help multi-task, while adhering to the limits of your desk. I use to have a little monitor like that as well. Sometimes I consider bringing it back to save a little desk space.
I use it mainly as a TV for watching sports that I can't stream online, but I have thought about using it as a secondary screen for watching netflix or youtube while doing homework or playing games. All I would need is an extra HDMI cable to do that, right?
Pretty much, I'm certain your GPU has support for multiple monitors (I haven't seen a card without it for many, many years). I use a monitor with HDMI as my TV and a secondary screen so I can play console games while browsing or watching videos. When I want to use both monitors for the PC I just switch the channel back over. It's really simple.
What monitor is that? The small one on top of the speaker.
The main one is the Samsung S27B350H 27.0" Monitor listed in the pcpartpicker list above, and the small one is just an old Westinghouse TV.
I absolutely love the case I saw it recently and considered transferring into it. Pretty solid build.
I ordered the case immediately when I saw the Black/Red version and I'm not normally an impulsive buyer. The case is awesome and I don't think I have made a better purchase in a long time. Thanks!
Be glad you bought it when you did, it is seemingly impossible to track down a Black/Red one today.
I know, I've been watching the NZXT coolcomputersetups and there are so many false alarms about the case being in stock at different retailers lol. Even though I ordered mine in January I still had to wait until early March, and now I just feel bad for the people who are still waiting.
It works out for me, as my next upgrade was going to just be my case. I just bought a 780 last week, so I can wait :).
Give someone a 780 and they'll be able to wait as long as they need to haha :D
It has definitely breathed new-life into my 920 build (upgraded from a 660 Ti). Hell, I'm still surprised by how much use I've gotten out of this processor.
Nahalem can still bring the power if you have a good enough graphics card, and the 780 is no slouch in that department!
Indeed. I'm trying to hold out until Haswell-e releases with the new socket before replacing it, but I may be building a small 1150 based guest/LAN rig instead. Might as well if I don't end up selling the 660 Ti. It would be nice to have something capable hooked up to the living room TV. (That, and I'm just really itching to build something. It's been too long!)
If you do that you might just have more processing power than you know what to do with haha. Haswell-e is going to be 8-core with DDR4 support, which is going to be crazy (IMO) compared to what is out there right now for enthusiast class builds. Make a 'steam machine'! A 660 ti would be just as good as, if not better than, any console out there right now and you wouldn't have to pay much for the other components. I know what you mean, I had to build an autonomous vehicle for a class and when I was working with the Arduino I felt like a kid in a candy store. It's a shame that most people aren't able to buy a new computer every few months just to have a project.
Mine doesn't ship until April. :( I have to wait until it comes to put together my first build.
I bought the major components about 8 months ago with the Rosewill Challenger case and I just recently migrated them over to the new H440 with some added aesthetic touches. I bought these parts before the GTX 780 was dropped in price and it was more affordable to get GTX 760 SLI. The CPU is delidded, which required the CLU TIM. That's pretty much all I can say about it other than I love it and it destroys all the games I play on a normal basis. Gaming setup approved?
I do like that case, might use it as a replacement for my old V2120X
Every time I see a build in this case, I have to fight off the urge to buy it. I have a perfectly good White 600T but god damnit I want an H440.
It's the first black/red H440 I see here, nice build man!
All that dough used & you're in college? I need a better job.
I saved up for a long time and my major is Aerospace Engineering so I needed a computer that would work well with processor heavy programs like NX 8.5. This build killed two birds with one stone, I got my gaming build that I saved up for and I made an investment in something that would make my major more manageable without having to rely on limited lab availabilities. :)

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