And Monitor - Computer Setup


What keyboard and monitor is this?
I'd also like to know...
Keyboard looks like a Sidewinder X4.
The keyboard is a Sidewinder X4 and the monitor is a Acer S240HLbid 24''
I really miss living in places that have windows like that with a single giant sheet of glass. Every house I've lived in lately has those stupid little windows with like 9 little panes.
Yeah it's nice I suppose. Never really thought of it though lol
Look closely at those. Some of them are just single sheets of glass with removable pieces of wood that you can take out.
Nice! I got the same PC Case, is that table from IKEA?
Yup, if I'm not mistaken, it's part of the Micke series.
Hey I got that same desk from Ikea but mine is black with white drawers.

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