Cooler Afb1212 She - Computer Setup


The thumbnail of your rig looks like the old version of the PS3.
I had my pitchfork ready.
No offence, but i don't know why people can live with themselves when they turn the pump so the logo is upside down, or sideways for that matter. TEARSTEARSTEARS
Haha it's funny you say that. i have a friend who mentioned the exact same thing but for me, it's whatever orientation the hose looks the neatest :P
Oh yea! That is a intresting way to set them up, i was actually thinking about getting 2 arms, and setting 2 of them vertical, that way i can hide the controle panels behind the main monitor. But yea thats just a idea
Nice rig you got there. you mounted your rad (h100?) up top in what i assume is push configuration :P i wasn't able to do push/pull with the h110 up top nicely but this will do for now XD
Thanks man, it is a h100i in fact, close one! Why weren't you able to do that? I'm running my i7 4770k clocked with no heating problems at all. If i were you i would defiantly have gone with a push config, and leaving the 2 of the fans in the front. But maybe that's just me :D
Pushing and pulling is the way to go ;)
There was a study done that showed little results I thought?
Well the extra two fans give an extra few degrees. Nothing major for what I think is ugly and bulky. Push or pull would do just fine.
Will someone please ELI5 what a "pump" is? Thanks! :)
The pump is generally just what pumps the liquid through the system, without a pump, the liquid would just be in the hoses and do nothing. When its pumped to the radiator the liquid gets cooled and at the time it arrives at the CPU block (or any other block for that sake) its nice and cool :)
Not too sure, i borrowed it from res a few years back
Can you check for a manufacturer somewhere on it? I'd like to know as well. I tried finding it online, but no luck.
Commenting to save, hoping op responds. That lamp really does look sweet.
Sorry, the most information i can give on the lamp is that it from the company "Luxo". can't find any model numbers anywhere on it. It uses a fluorescent bulb and is attached to a power brick. I looked around the site but couldn't find a match so I'm guessing it's discontinued now. good luck!
Thanks for checking! I'll keep looking and post here if I can find it, but it looks like you might be right and it may be discontinued. It's too bad, looks like it was their best looking desk lamp.
Luxo has been making desk lamps for workbenches, drafting tables, etc. for a long, long time. I have an old one here and I think the replacement cost was in the $300 range.
Luxo L355(Discontinued) or PS355(Recalled due to catching fire). These things are not cheap. Ledu makes similar style Task Lamps but they are cheap quality, and could possibly melt, from what I am reading.
I too definitely want to know what lamp that is! Looks amazing
Try office supply stores, it looks like the exact one I got at my desk at work, but with a slightly different shroud.
Thats an intense case, whats the dealio with it?
Two compartments, psu and ssd/2.5" plus wires all in the back and out of sight
I don't understand why there aren't more hd bays in the right side of it. I've looked at it a number of times but just can't get over how much wasted space there is. Still, very cool looking case.
This bothers me as well... the only option for more HDDs without building your own mounts is 2.5" drives or 5.25" to 3.5" hdd bay converters.
Meh...I love corsair cooling and cases, but I still can't get over this thing. I keep seeing it, and I hate it. I'm all about getting smaller with builds as time goes on - for example - fitting that same exact rig in a micro atx sized case. I never understood the gigantic full towers and I'll certainly never understand the mini fridge that is this corsair case either. Understand may be a bad word, though...I understand air flow, and all that, but with proper fans on an h50/70/100/etc, a mid tower wouldn't be all that much warmer than a big open case like this, not much more so to make it worth it at least - so being able to hide things can't be the reason people get this leviathan? You should see what I can hide in a $25 mid tower....
I bought it because it looked cool and fit what I needed to fit and size wasn't really an issue. Sometimes I miss my old mid tower and sometimes I miss my old CM stacker full tower, but all in all, I like this. It's super easy to work with and good cable management and airflow are easily had.
I bought a full tower because I thought it looked better. Whenever casuals come into my office room they're like "damn that's a powerful computer" without even understanding the components.
I was actually looking into that case. What do you think of it? It looks really sweet, but my only beef with it is the lack of filters for all the vents and the fact that its pretty much open air.
Yes there's definitely a lot of space for dust to get in, my biggest dislike is the openess of the area under hdd cages
Is it relatively noisy, then? I've been seriously thinking about rebuilding into this case but I've got SLI GTX580s so... they are loud enough as it is
Mine is, though I've got three 3.7k rpm Delta AFB1212-SHE fans on front intake so... Honestly the majority of the noise will come from high pitched fast fans under a lot of load (IE: pulling air through a filter) or loud GPU fans. If you're all about silence, this is not the case for you.
How many drives could you run in that case? (in your opinion?)
In terms of 3.5" hard drives, you can have two in the front tray, 2 adapters in the 5.25" bays, 4 ssd/2.5" in the back cage, can easily rig the bag with velcro for more ssds.
I come home to a beautiful girlfriend lying naked in anticipation of my arrival. FUCK I'm jealous!
Needs more sexy monitors. =D
Recently got rid of three 23" to have a cleaner 27"
That looks like a 1080p monitor, does the 27" without 1440p ever bother you?
That case is sexy, I have never seen this before. Thank you for showing me my next case purchase!
Super sweet case. very different. I dig it.
It looks like one of those 100% lights.
Nice rig. Whats with the two laptop drives?
I had a bunch of laptop drives around the house so i put them in for media
Whats that monitor? I'm looking into getting new ones and trying to decide whether to stick with ASUS or go Samsung
Asus vg248qe! Fantastic gaming monitor!
Damn, nice fans. Really cool setup.
Noctua if I'm not mistaken. OP?
Nice AKG's, how are you liking them?
They're pretty nice paired with the e17 amp. i have some hd598 coming in soon that i want to compare.
I recently tried both and I've gotta say I preferred the AKG's, although the 598's sounded more round.
How's the e17 amp for sound? I've been wanting to get it since it looks like a nice headphone amp. Other than that nice rig!
Can only compare to the sound coming out of the motherboard but definitely an upgrade
What's the popular opinion on WD Blue/Green/Black's? My friend has one and I've never thought really highly of it. Am I right or wrong?
Mine has held up well. but tbh, i bought it way back when because it was on sale.
How are those speakers? i seriously considered getting them
They're decent, again bought them for the power and sale. Used to own speakers with only one main driver, having the tweeter is nice. The Klipsch speakers are also pretty awesome, better bass if you're into that.
Every time I see a 540 Air I regret getting my 600t. Nice rig.
Where did you get that desk?!
Pieced together using scraps from ikea. found the top in the sale section because the underside had a few scratches, added some legs and boom.
Nice setup! Looks like a mechanical keyboard--mind telling us what kind it is?
CM Storm QuickFire Stealth (Blue)
I find it funny that the blues are still under the name "stealth". I bet my neighbors can hear me typing on it.
How do you like the SP2500? I was considering them
Good speakers overall, i have no qualms. nice and clear, can get bassy if you want it to
How's the H110 working for you? I'm running the same case and I'm pondering whether I should run a H110/x60 or wait to see if coolermaster releases their version of the swifttech h320.
The h110 works well, the only problem is case compatibility in the future as it's usually a tight fit for push/pull. cooling wise, it is far ahead of the h80 i came from.
That is one sexy ass case! I have the c70 and I feel like an upgrade is near...
Funny you say that, i upgraded from the c70
Which one do you like better? I want my next case to have a sleek minimalistic look
Same headphones. Same keyboard. Same speakers. Same mousepad and same mouse. Only thing I have different is the monitor.
Nice setup you have going there
I got my Ari540 2 days ago. Best case i have ever worked with!
The thumbnail does look like a PS3!
What are the AKGs like?? I almost bought them, ended up with DT990 pros..
Where did you get the lamp??
I love that case..
How much did the tower cost?
Around 120 i think? i actually bought it a while back
Idk if you thought Im saying the tower. But I mean the whole build. The tower is 129.99
Whole build cost just under 1200 which actually seems like quite a bit of money now that i think about it
Is that including peripherals?
Unfortunately no, just whatever is in the case. the peripherals were passed on from previous rigs
That isn't too bad. I've got a pretty similar build with a 7850 OC that cost me about $650, but I don't have the ssd, h110, 750w psu, or the gorgeous case. Just those few upgrades compared to mine would add up to about $400.
If only I could have less cords running along my desk and a mechanical(?) keyboard? clickety-clack!
Wireless mechanical keyboard and mouse that run on satisfaction instead of batteries.
How was your day babe? Yeah, good, I missed you too.
Haha, too much noise. i like it silent.
No no, that's what you say.
Gets the job done :)

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