Dual Monitor - Computer Setup


Your 1st dual monitor setup? congratulations, you are now spoiled & ruined. there is no going back. welcome to the club :P
I can't agree more with this statement. I'm miserable when limited to just my laptop screen on the go. I can't wait for 1080p USB monitors.
Thanks. But for pure productivity sake, I'd be happy with 30 Hz. I just want my damn 1080p.
A while back i was reading about some type of card bus to pci-x interface. it allowed the use of a desktop graphics card & needed its own atx power supply. i thought it would be bad ass to use one of those to turn something like a toughbook cf-31 into a gaming rig. make some kind of diamond plate box with handles to house the graphics card.
Sony had something like this for their Z-series laptops. I'm not sure it was gaming capable though. I have a Targus USB 3.0 dock at home that, with the monitor VGA out on my laptop, lets me have 4 screens total. It's not the prettiest getup, but it lets me get shit done.
I made the mistake of having 3 monitors at home, so now when I'm in the office at work, all I have is Dual-Screens, they feel so restrictive, and as they're basic monitors from around the office, resolution is horrendous, I go from 5780 x 1080 to 2732 x 768 :( Really need to push for a high end Graphics Card for my work machine for 3-screens!
I'll be praying for you buddy.
Thanks just got to justify it to the general manager who barely understood the reasoning behind two screens...
Just show him some of the articles that state diminishing returns on productivity only ABOVE 3 monitors.
Oh dear god! I did not need to see this.
Did you buy it?
I will eventually. I just bought a new Nexus not 2 days ago. Got BB to match MicroCenter at $200 for the 32GB.
Oh nice. I've always wanted a portable USB monitor for when I'm programming in the lab at school, but that would draw too much unwanted attention.
Wow this is way too true. Everywhere I go I feel so restricted on single displays.
The most displays i ran at once was 4. 3x 17" crt's & an old sony trinitron tv (s-video ftw!). this was around the time when flat panel monitors started gaining popularity, so i would often find perfectly good abandoned monitors on the side of the road. color matching a bunch of random monitors is a bitch, but the price couldn't be beat. now i've got a random pair of dell flat panels & i'm loving the extra desk space. however i still feel the need to populate all those unused ports at the back of the box. of course i always have my eye out for more derelict technology to assimilate to my borg cube of a gaming rig. resistance is futile.
Hows the ball as a chair? Where I work has been encouraging their usage but I havent tried it yet.
Honestly I got it just because I needed something and I didn't have the money for a nice chair. But I've started to grow on it and really like it. The only issue I have is that it rolls away when I stand up because the floor is quite uneven.
How much do you weigh? Just curious.
Ok thanks, I just don't want that to happen to me if I get a ball.
Nice, i have a "nice chair" and I find it fairly uncomfortable for long programming sessions. I may try the ball!
Hahaha yes! I have a ball chair too! Supposedly it's good for the back
I've been thinking about getting a new chair, but this seems interesting. Could it help with back problems?
Why don't you get a cheap but ergonomic chair such as the IKEA Torkel chair.
I use a ball too. Its nice because it allows to not just be completely stationary. Also if you're doing work I like getting the blood flowing and not being stationary the whole time.
We might be. Now i'm worried.
You might be a pacifist...
Looks like you're running a Linux distro w/ Awesome. Mind sharing your specs and screenfetch/archey3?
Wait, you said it was an i5
Edit: I'm not a very bright person
That's the window manager, look at the processor type.
That's what it says?
I was reading the Window Manager.
Oh, that's an easy mistake to make.
Why did you hide your coolcomputersetups info? Also, what's the bar at the top and how can I make one like it?
No particular reason. And it's i3bar, using conky as the source for information. The i3 wiki has a good walkthrough for this.
Motorcycle, Thinkpad and Model M enthusiast? We could be friends.
That's a really slick bike, I think Aprilias are really under-appreciated. I don't see them very often.
My dad has the same Ducati 916 poster hanging in his garage. Very nice!
I need that poster so badly. Can you tell me where you bought it, OP?
This is the recreation (higher quality anyways), mine is an original. But OP delivers:
Excellent choice of displays. I also am digging my dual QH270-Lite setup. If the dumb logo on the front bugs you as much as it did me, just take a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to it and it'll rub right off without damaging the frame. Cheers!
You're the best! I've wanted to get them off but didn't want to ruin the monitor. I'm doing that as soon as I can.
What are you running on the desktop? I like the cleanliness of just the bar at the top.
How is Arch? I'm just getting into Linux.
It can be difficult for beginners but it's pretty damn rewarding once you sort it out.
When I get around to it, I'm just going to set up a VM and try a bunch of distros. I've only tried Mint and I like it, so I'm kinda excited to explore and find more that I like.
Arch + thinkpad? your /g/ is showing
I like how these old keyboards are becoming popular again.
The Model M never stopped being popular.
I love my old Dell QuietKey Keyboard I have two! One Spare!
I still use my Compaq NMB rubber dome from the mid 90's. Doesn't even have a windows key!
What's that old mechanical keyboard and where would you find something like that?
It's an IBM Model M, buckling springs. I'm not too sure where one would get one, sorry. :/
That's from like the 90's, you could probably find one for free, though why you'd want to is beyond me, they are literally the same as any dell board you'd find in a computer lab or library or something, black just doesn't discolor.
Nah.. These are different. Most shittastic library/school keyboards use rubber dome switches. The model M uses the "clicky" buckling spring switch. It's actually really desirable for a lot of people.
Most wouldn't want some shoddy rubber dome keyboard.
How dare you say a Model M and a dell rubberdome keyboard are "literally the same"
Oh my god - you have a motorcycle inside your wall!
God, I love thinkpads. I have no idea why.
My reaction at first picture:
What make and model are your monitors?
Thanks, they look pretty nice
Model M, Korean IPS, Thinkpad... you have excellent taste. Might have to try the ball chair concept myself.
Wow I have a T420 running Win8.1 with an SSD and it only gets like 3 hours battery
Yikes, I also have a T420 but it's running Mint 16. I get around 5-7:30ish hours depending on the brightness.
What kernel are you running?
Does the ball help promote good posture?

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