Dual/curved Monitor - Computer Setup


How distracting are the bars? honest question.
I'm not the OP but I have run an eyefinity setup before and I honestly didn't really notice them after my brain adjusted.
I use HDTVs with huge bezels, you don't even notice them when you get going.
Wait...you use HDTV's in an eyefinity setup?
Yeah. Its amazing what people throw out these days.
Holy shit. I'm guessing you have 3, but at what sizes? I can only imagine how cool it must be to use them, but you'd have to have a pretty decent setup for it to run smoothly I'd imagine.
108 inches total. You can stretch your arms out as far as you can and still not reach both sides. Im working on trying to find some cheap "Active" HDMI adapters to hook up more though. I can put a maximum of 5 with adapters on this card, 6 if they were capable of being daisy chained
With that shitty pixel density, no it's definitely not nice.
Dat pixel density...not trying to be an ass, but I just couldn't stand that.
Where did you get them? Craigslist or just on the side of the road?
Side of the road. they work perfectly, except the toshiba which if the room gets too hot itll lock up and you have to turn it off and back on.
Dagnabbit.....I was doing so good until the heat kicked on and knocked my monitor out!
Damn it. no one throws anything good out around me :(
Please post pictures, that sounds very cool.
Meh...I had dual/triple monitors a few times, but always horizontal, and at the most 3 bars with 3 monitors...I understand the appeal of vertical monitors, as it better mimics a large tv, but at that point I don't get why you wouldn't just get a much larger single monitor or hdtv instead of having 4 tall, vertical bezels...
Because resolution. There's no way in hell you'd get me on something bigger than my current 30" 2560x1600 without a corresponding increase in resolution.
Actually that does make sense.... and also, if you could get a bunch of smaller screens (like op's) for cheaper, over the course of a year even, I can also understand that as well, which is why multi-monitors are nice in the first place, you can buy 1 at a time instead of paying $600+ for a single larger screen.
Plus taking 1 or 2 smaller monitors to a friend's house for a LAN session would be a whole lot easier than lugging a bigass LCD TV.
Not much at all, I use bezel compensation so it's like looking out a window: With the picture appearing to be rendered "behind" the bezels.
How is bezel compensation configured? In CCC?
Both ATI and nVidia have options to configure bezel compensation in their respective control panels, yes. Both ask you to do it when setting up Eyefinity or Surround. You just have to select the appropriate bezel-corrected resolution in-game.
It's like wearing a baseball catcher's mask
On the subject of this, sort of, does anyone have some resources for debezeling monitors? I'll likely be doing this to my monitors before long and the process terrifies me due to my ignorance on how it's done.
Pretty much every monitor is different when it comes to debezeling
same monitors i have, i have seen guides on how to debezel them, it is risky business though the bezel helps protect your screen if you aren't extremely careful you can destroy pixels or worse yet crack your screen
Yeah id see those bugging me.
I love the idea of a screen like that, but I don't know if I could deal with those.
It's possible to remove the bezel yourself, but that can be a challenge sometimes.
You don't notice them after a while.
Can we please stop this? If you don't like it that's totally fine but there are positives to it.
Thank you! Windows 8 is awesome, people just don't understand that there is a desktop and its not only the metro tiles. Also want to agree on Windows 8 being fast as hell.
Did you remove the monitor bezel? Also, which monitor stand are you using?
Nope, they come like this. Samsung MD230. They are sold in a kit as MD230X3 or MD230X6
Sob They were sold in a kit Sob
I love these awesome builds sitting on these cheap plastic fold out desks and TV dinner trays. Awesome, lol
Even funnier seeing as how his monitor setup alone was $3000 on NewEgg, along with some of the best headphones you can buy commercially, a decent amp/DAC, and an Oculus Rift+Razer Hydra.
Heh. I move a lot so a heavy desk would suck.
I use my desk a lot, so a solid desk is a must.
I understand where your coming from, I move houses like 5 times a year, at a minimum. Hard to get a good solid stationary gaming setup when moving around so much.
Noticed this as well. Priorities, I guess.
6 monitors would put the bezel right in the middle. So if you were playing an FPS, your crosshair would essentially be cut in half between the two middle screens.
Yup! Also, since I got the Oculus Rift, it has been taking the spot of my 6th monitor anyway. So this way I have them all plugged in and don't have to physically change the video cables every time I want to use the Rift.
How is the rift? Enjoying it ?
Is that a HD800 that you have hanging there?
Looks like 02 amp too
Yup. And a black ODAC on top of it
What are they like with the HD800s?
It's one of the most transparent things you can imagine. It's a pretty incredible combo. I don't personally own it (though I am VERY tempted by the HD800s) but I've had a few chances to listen to the ODAC/O2 combo from JDS Labs plus a HD800.
Each headphone has a different sound than any other. Open headphones are better for gaming, thus the HD800's, and closed headphones are typically better for certain kinds of music than open ones.
Open headphones will produce better sound reproduction by default (uess you are comparing $70 open vs $300 closed)
Or the $1500 closed HD800's
Probably a typo but the HD 800 is open.
Wish PC display makers would focus on reducing those bezels.
All I can think of is stronger mounting points on the panel for when it's mounted on a stand/arm. Wouldn't want too much play or flex going on so I think they beef them up
Thats not what the s4 looks like but the real one is thin too
What are your specs and what card(s) are you running? I have an eyefinity 6 setup with Linux and was thinking of going either nvidia surround with 3 or eyefinity 3 or 5.
I've had this build for a few years. Its a phenom X6 1090T 3.2 GHZ. I'm on a single Radeon HD 6970 eyefinity 6 edition. It's surprisingly capable by itself. Also on 16 gigs of DDR3 at 1600.
That's pretty impressive for an older card. Do you get 60fps on every screen? How much MSAA do you have on a game like Skyrim?
Can I get some deetz on your monitors and video card choices?
Love the AKG's, what are the system specs and what is driving those?
Any chance you could post your specs?
Tf2! Scribblenauts! Rayman Origins! No Dota 2 or Skyrim!
Beautiful setup man, those monitors look amazing. Have you considered removing the bezels?
Even though I am jealous as hell, it looks like you are looking through prison bars.
Wait... You have a HD800/700, Q701, Grados.... and Beats???? Were they a gift or something? Also, are you powering everything through an 02 amp?
He is. I didn't realize the O2 is magically somehow not capable of driving high end headphones because it's not expensive and discrete (which, from an engineering perspective has to be done damn near perfect or it's worse than opamps)
Yeah I pretty much just use my HD800s for everything and the others are just there... The beats were actually the last one I bought. I bought them myself because I thought they looked cool. lol. If I wanted to use a different pair I'd just plug them into the O2, and the O2 is getting audio from a black ODAC on top of it (hard to see)
Why?!? How could you possibly switch from HD800's to Beats...
You can't really take the HD800s outside :P
You could take the grados, they don't need an amp (Or at least up to the 325is do not). very nice setup regardless
Where's your wrist rest from? I've had awful luck trying to find a good TLK wrist rest.
It's a filco leather rest. I got it from a UK website specializing in filco keyboards. Probably one of the first results on google when you search for filco keyboard.
You can get them at elitekeyboards.
What are you using for the monitor stand?
Mad props to another Steelcase owner!
Haha, I just got it a few days ago. I used to use the same model (steelcase think) at work and decided I should get a nice chair since I spend so much time on the computer. It's the 3D mesh with leather seat.
Can you give a list of the specs please ?
Can you list the games in each picture please?
Team Fortress 2, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Rayman Origins
Which game is the 4th pic from?
This is one of the first vertical-monitor setup I've seen where it looks like it really makes sense for gaming. Nice setup OP. Is that clock a widget or are you using rainmeter? It looks like the one I have.
OP! What are all these things on your desktop? i notice an Oculus, but what else?
Nice peripherals - embody chair (?), the eponymous K701, hd800, o2/odac stack, etc etc.
An odd number would def be better for fps games; i like your setup
My god are those Sennheiser hd 800s?
Steelcase "Think" in 3d mesh/leather
I now regret buying a laptop.
Random question but what kind of headphone stands are those? I've been meaning to pick up something like that.
Eye5...I5...I see what you did there.
Any video of this baby in action?
I just got a interesting idea, what if you get a oculus rift and instead of it putting you in the game, it puts you in a virtual version of your room and puts a curved monitor right in front of you. Like a virtual reality monitor. And you can have a whole bunch of screens everwhere.
Walk through the game/story 'Dear Esther' undisturbed. Total immersion.
-Has 5 screens -Plays TF2 and Scribblenauts
I just showed games that show variety with eyefinity in mind.. TF2 since it's popular, and source, and source games are GREAT on eyefinity, as you can see scales perfectly. Scribblenauts because it gets funky at non standard aspect ratios but if you only use 3 monitors it's pretty much 16:10 so it works perfect and the art is rasterized so it scales to infinity. Rayman because it's 1080p native and being stretched and still looks good.
I think you mean the art is vector so it scales to infinity.
Oops! You are correct. I meant vector.
Which monitors are those? And are you using individual stands or one 5x1 stand?
One stand. the stand that comes with the monitors (kit). The whole thing is called Samsung MD230X6
Those bezels look pretty annoying
4 bars in the middle of my game play would be too annoying to use. I'll never understand why people do it.
Your setup just made me pregnant with its awesomeness. The envy is great, but I think for me, 3 would be enough.
I think you should stop.

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