Eh Monitor - Computer Setup


How are you liking that case? I've been considering picking it up for a build I want to do.
The only thing that bothers me is the hard drive sleds, but you could always use laptop drives in the back if it bothers you that much, other than that I love it, It keeps 2 card running at 100% 24/7 all under 75.
Awesome, thanks for the info!
Man, what's with all the hate for numpads?
It's nice, but when gaming, it feels more comfortable to have my hands closer together for some reason.
Interesting, I've never considered that. I guess I've never actually tried any other configuration.
Yea when I had my fullsize I always had to either reach my mouse hand uncomfortably far over or move my chair to this side which was off center fromt eh monitor and speakers which really bothered me.
Lol, I used to have a blackwidow but I sold it because I needed more mouse space, I do miss the numpad though
Wow! Your BlackWidow survived long enough to resell? I mean, I love Razer, but my BlackWidow Ultimate disintegrated after about a year. The key cap stems were snapping off. I went and bought a Custom WASDv1 to replace it.
TKLs are the best!! Also the less your hands are apart, the healthier it is.
Next up should be a separate mITX dogecoin mining rig. Nice setup :)
I'm thinking about running a pcie extender outside the case through the slot in the back. a another highschooler I am extremely jealous...awesome gaming setup!
Thank you! Very little of it my parents paid for except their old amp Im using and the desks, having a job in high school is really a great way too go, and if you can't have a normal job, working at the summer camp I went to for years is great, I would work their for free, and I still make a killing.
I agree, having a job is great! I make a killing where I work too, it sucks, but so worth it! If only I didn't waste it all and maybe then I'd be able to afford something so nice! Serious props to you, man.
I don't mind where I work, I work at a local hardware store, so I get a great discount on tools, and I learn a lot while I'm at it.
Sounds nice, discounts are always nice! I work at a French restaurant in town--basically 10-11 hour shifts with no breaks. No discounts or free food, but god-damn it feels good walking out with $110 in tips every night. It's my only hope of getting a nice gaming setup!
How much revenue does a single 270x make for mining roughly?
My 270x gets about 470 kh/s profitability has been varying like crazing recently but I get about 5k-6k dogecoins a day from it

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