Gaming Setup For Bd - Computer Setup


I know I'm not the best with cable management, but it doesn't matter that much to me. I don't have a window on my case and my pc is tucked away as is, no one sees it.
I usually end up moving my PC stuff around more often than not - so my cables are usually a sloppy mess... I did the same to my SSD
"If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid."
What is that electronic screen/panel on the front of your desktop? It looks so sick!
Nice to see someone with a Lian-Li case. A rare sight around these parts. Kids and their corsair/nzxt/bitfenix's
Why not use the Catleap as your primary monitor?
My primary is a 120hz monitor, it has a much better response rate for games. The catleaps have all sorts of ghosting related with IPS technology. Mine doesn't overclock at all either, its stuck at 60hz.
What mount are you using?
I thought I was the only one that actually likes Microsoft's curved keyboards.
It is actually a Logitech wireless keyboard, but I really enjoy curved keyboards. They are much more comfortable in my opinion.
Finally someone else who has the same heat sink as me! I just thought it looked so cool online so I bought it
It also performs extremely well at quiet levels. Just beware it is a dust trap waiting to happen. I cleaned mine before this photo and it was really bad. It is quite hard to clean behind the fan.
Ugh, those cables. And that keyboard. Come on man.
I actually ordered a TT Esports Mechanical yesterday, I like wave type keyboards though. Its comfortable and works really well. Honestly its not like a keyboard is going to make me better at FPS games so I don't mind using a wireless one.

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