Gaming Setup Ideas Lighting - Computer Setup


Damnit! Where in the hell are Cory and Trevor?!
That's one nice fackin' room there boys!
Holy santa claus shit. Never trip in that room.
What with the poor lighting, I'm sure that is unavoidable.
Good grief this is amazing. Does the neon bother your eyes at all?
I've actually come to prefer it over normal lighting. I turned everything up to its brightest setting for the purposes of taking those photos, so in real life they tend to be a bit more subdued.
But its not neon is it? LEDs i guess, right?
Ok, How much Pot do you smoke in there and how awesome is it?
It's so that he can't see his veins.
Just found this coolcomputersetups. This is the first post I see. I'll be leaving now. /bow
Thanks, I'll fit right in over there!
Wow. I need to post on there!
What is he not on.
That is a pretty epic nerd cave.
THIS is why I come to gaming setups. Not to see your bottle of jergins next to your commodore 64.
Hey! You leave my bottle of jergins OUT OF THIS!!
For only $9.95 you too can feel like a natural woman with Jergins brand Lotion!
"your virginity will be safe here."
Radeon 5870s; probably next in line to get replaced sometime next year though, as I think they’re currently the oldest parts in there. As for games, only recently got the 6 monitors working so I’ll have to go back and replay a bunch of stuff. The original Crysis looks pretty great though, as does the Old Republic and Sins of a Solar Empire.
The only downside to that sexy monitor setup is in fps's your crosshair is going to be right on the bezels.
Gotta add another row!
But then it'll be a different aspect ratio....gotta add 2 more columns.
What did you have to do to get the 6 monitors working?
Sins of a Solar Empire is one of the best RTS games I have ever played. Did you know that the next uber expansion, Rebellion, is coming out soon? It will be introducing Titans. Sinsgasm.
So, is it a gaming setup or a shrine to communism?
Curious to know more about whatever app is running on the top left and top right monitors...
Thanks for this! I've got a lot of spare desktop space that was crying out for something just like it. Much obliged.
The color contrast makes it awesome. That quote from Bioshock is outstanding, and in the perfect place.
To the folks wondering where the led lights are from, you can get em here
I was wondering about the color change and the brightness. Here, I've just been buying the solid color rope lighting all these years. Awesome, thanks.
Wow, it's like you live INSIDE an over-done piece of gaming hardware. I always hated those blue LEDs on everything, but this is just... the next level.
No, he created his own game. New rules, new beginnings and no room for an ending. God help us all.
This is by far the best man cave/gaming setup I've seen. I'm so jealous!
Nice gaming setup, man. I am jealous as fuck. Only one question: do you live in Russia? Just out of pure curiosity, because I've noticed you have old Soviet propagandistic posters on your walls (which look pretty badass, I must admit)
Not sure if I should bookmark, or call the KGB.
Kind you give some details about the lighting you used, etc.
That's a fucking war room
This is the best thing I have ever seen in my life.
I'm honestly not sure how I feel about the lighting. It looks really cool in the pictures, but I don't like lights when I am using the computer. I even went out of my way to disable, or cover every LED in my room with electrical tape so I can't see it.
I am humbled for I have but one bookmark to give to this Godly gaming setup.
Have you hooked up your lighting to an ambient lighter for your TV? (darker shows/scenes turn the lighting blue, while brighter scenes turn the room red)
I fully realize I sound like a moron, but could someone give me a link to how OP got his lights set up? Or at least point me in the right direction?
LED rope light, run it along edges and put up the occasional nail or something to tie off to.
Thanks. I'll look it up at Costco or something. Mind if I contact you for any additional help if needed? I'm sorry this just looks too awesome to pass up.
I don't think Costco stocks this sort of thing, but it's not hard to find out on the website.
Fucking hell, how much did that cost?
About $3.50. If you give me $3.50, I'll make a gaming setup like that and post pics next week.
This is what motivates me to do well in life...
I would totally pay for this to be done in my bathroom...I would have the best shits and showers of my life with these lights.
You look like you need a new friend. Ill be youre friend. Ill also bring cookies.
Probably one of the coolest man-caves I've seen! The lightning really does it!
Now THAT is a lair.
I think it's a nice touch to use blacklights. People post their immaculate gaming setups and beautiful setups, but it doesn't really feel professional unless I know for a fact that there isn't semen on everything.
This is such an awesome set up! I love the Bioshock entrance :)
You sir, are my hero.
Mother of god. my setup feels infinitely less awesome.
Question for anyone in the UK, is there a place that specialises in lightning like this? Even better, on the cheap...
It seems like you have a lot of pride and like to do things right the first time. Your gaming setup is of impeccable taste and cleanliness.
This is amazing! I love the lighting. I may have to borrow some of your ideas for my new home office...
Amazing gaming setup, comrade! Love the Soviet poster collection.
That setup is everything I want but will never have (or be allowed by my gf) kind of makes me feel bad to have posted my (by comparison shit setup).
Nice! Love all the Soviet stuff.
Its like you live in a pc tower :-
Oh. My. God. Need a roommate? :D
What's the green lazer for?
May I ask where you obtained the neon lighting/what it was called?
Sick setup man. That's a lot of soft drinks though!
Duuuude, I have the same red and blue lights.
Do you have 2 machines? On picture #2 there are 2 mouse and keyboard setups.
Fucking This. What kind of lighting is that? Can you give us a link to it? Or is it just some generic walmart stuff?
Those neons are incredibly cool, though I'd have to fully blackout a window to use them.
I'm almost more jealous of the Soviet poster collection than the rest of it. Almost.
Where did you get the wallpapers for your desktop? Awesome gaming setup btw. Has to be among the best ever posted on this coolcomputersetups.
I fucking hate rope lighting.
I wish my parents were rich
Im a pretty right wing guy, but i still found your commie flags pretty awesome. to bad it's not social acceptable to have svastikas hanging..
Uh I didn't see any swastikas. Did you mean the hammer and sickle of the soviet union? Because that's not the same thing...
I think he meant that he would like to hang some swastikas himself similar to this guys commie flags but is afraid people would think he is a Nazi and not just a guy who is interested in Hitler/WWII stuff
Oh... well that's worse ಠ_ಠ
"I would drape myself in swastikas... if it were socially acceptable."
What makes it worse than hanging the flags of a regime that killed millions more under Stalin?
The hammer and sickle was not invented by the Soviet Union, and it is still in use by communist parties after its fall. When I see the hammer and sickle, I don't think "LONG LIVE COMRADE STALIN", I think "Long live Socialism, and fuck Stalin for destroying the revolution"
Because soviet shit doesn't exactly glorify the soviet union, just communism.
How? The swastika is a symbol of good luck that was used well before it became associated with Nazism.
The original swastika, yes.the nazi party reversed it.
It is pretty odd that nazi propaganda even sans swastikas is considered inappropriate but soviet propaganda is considered cool in the nerd community. I blame it on C&C.

Tags: gaming setup ideas,gaming setup ideas,gaming setup ideas,gaming setup ideas,gaming setup ideas
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