Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Umm i couldnt help but notice the hitler background....
Aww ye, that, Put it up as a joke while back. Black humor, I'm pretty sure me and my friends will go to hell
I love that background; because it says 'think different'. Good inspriation.
I won't, I'm a saint.
And so the casual humorization begins...
Nice carpet. I like the separate level for the mouse.
One of my best childhood memories comes from that carpet, couldn't imagine living without it.
Lol I had one of those too :-P
I had that same carpet when I was younger...
People who had parents that didn't love them.
Aww yiss, mutha' fuckin' car city carpet.
If you didn't have one, your parents didn't love you.
Love the old-school Antec case.
I still have one housing my personal server comp. I remember the day I got it... I thought I was so cool having a window on my case.
The first picture and your roommate's would probably do well in r/shittygaming setups.
I had that same carpet as a kid. Hotwheels on that thing all day!
I too like to live in my own filth.
Yeah, what is up with the hitler?
Why the death adder? I love my naga.
When I was an exchange student in Austria my host brother ordered the left handed version for him but got a right handed so I bought that one off him and he ordered a new one. Its been good enough so far.
You need more guitar stands
I´m just re-arranging the living room, and I got some guitar stands screwed to the wall, just have to re-position them (stuff in the way to hang the guitars up). I actually got two more electric guitars and one bass. The idea is to hang them all of them up on the wall.
I tried that once, I hated it. I got a nice rack for them, doesn't look as pretty, but it makes everything a lot easier
I want that desk sooooo bad.
Holy shit, I had a very similar mat as a kid for toy cars
Love the rug, and the juice box
This carpet brought to you by Ikea.
What's with the random as fuck unmounted, loose fan?

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