Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


Nice touch with the Volcano.
First thing I noticed. IMO severely needed part of every gaming setup. Although mine has way more "volcano stuff" lying around.
What is it? Looks almost like a tube swirler in a lab, but I don't know why that would be part of a gaming setup.
It's a vape to smoke weed
That is one snazzy racing stripe!
They are the original M200's. I used to sell them so I bought a few pair for myself :) They are around 10 years old now and work great for what they are needed for.
What did you use to resurface the top? Was it just stripped and painted or was it recovered?
As this desk was found on the sidewalk and it is 52 years old, it had some damage.
I love vintage furniture like this. I'd be interested if you were to post more about the restoration process.
My wife has a desk like this as well. We too would love more info!
Why'd you take the covers off your speakers? I've got the same ones.
I don't like the look with them on as much and I gave them to a customer ~8 years ago as they broke theirs...
Ahh, regardless they are quite nice speakers. (although I got mine just a few months ago, haven't had as much time to break them in)
Ha! I live in the town they make those in. I never thought I would see one of those anywhere else.
Great job on that desk! My fiancee's dad has one just like it. Those things are bomb proof. Which makes sense. Built in the 60's. Duck and cover!
Im in need of a new desk and nothing i can find compares to the beauty of this piece, well done, i could only wish to get something anywhere near this awesome.
Heh, no... in the second pic the typewriter shelf is out. The black knob is the release. The shelf lowers and slides back into the desk. You then shut the door. I painted the stripe on the shelf and door so it would match if it was out or not.
That was a great idea. It looks premium, like something from an ultra designer store in the rich part of town.
Thanks! The desk has a pretty cool story behind it. I'll detail it out if anyone wants to hear but this sold for $383 in 1961. That works out to ~$2600 today. I put about $1300 in paint, materials, and labor into it.

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