Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


I'm jealous that you got an air hockey table for $5 and that you have space in room for it. Nice room!
Hard to believe that setup is more than 12 years old.
Just finished it yesterday actually.
Psst... he's making fun of your post title.
Whooosh Hah, I should have caught that, thanks
Sir, my teenage self is both shocked and awed by your setup. Kudos.
Why thank you, I've spent a lot of time and money getting it to where it is.
I know that feeling man, I'm in my early 20s and spent most of my teenage year building, maintaining and fixing motorcycles. Now I can afford to spend up on computers I'm getting into it with a passion.
What longboard do you got there? Sick room btw.
Looks like an Arbor Prodigy of some kind, but don't quote me on that.
It's a prebuilt Neversummer Heist I got at Milo. Very sexy and rides like butter.
Collecting typewriters? Tom Hanks would be proud.
Your parents must be nice people.
My father visited last weekend and we spent days scouring thrift stores and pawn shops to come to where I am now. He is a really nice guy indeed.
Word, I love thrift stores. The rest of my family has a hard time embracing them, but they're slowly coming around.
You have huge room! nice and neat
How that pc holding up for you buddy? I'm looking at the exact same build. Very nice room, from a fellow teenager! :)
It's great so far. I'm a stickler on optimization so I can run almost all games on high settings.
I really like these types of gaming setup posts. Sure the typical i5 and a 670 in a HAF case with some LEDs is great and all, but its boring, no personality behind it. This, I like this, and you're a teenager, that's even more awesome.
Collecting typewriters, how curious. I haven't heard of that before!
Lots of people do it; very expensive hobby.
Your room is massive, but very nice.
I was thinking of buying that same kind of keyboard earlier this week, is it any good?
Use this and i'll give your room 10/10 :)
What's that control knob thingy on your mousepad?

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