Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


As both a dj and a gaming setups fan, this setup look great!
Nice setup but why on earth is that vinyl out of its packet and hung on the wall like that!?
Love the audio setup but I'd get a monitor because I'm not a hawk.
Nice monitors, have the krk rokit5 and they sound amazing for the price imo
All that kontrol vinyl and not a table in sight!
Lol yea I know... I'm still hoping one day I can get some Technics
Hunt Craigslist. I snagged 3 so far with about $200 out of pocket (Old broken decks) a little TLC and they are 100% new and pristine again.
I'll try and do that. To be honest, my only problem is that I'm not sure I'll ever DJ again. Just graduated college and unless I can pick up my production skills, I'll have to just go to law school. There arent the same working opportunities where I live as opposed to where I went to school... plus the art of DJing is starting to fade away (unfortunately) and the people who get larger scale jobs are usually producers. I'm gunna invest a year or so and try to make some good songs and see if it leads me anywhere - THEN i'll buy the turntables haha
This would be rad to post in r/djsetups!
You could hook up a sweet monitor, for one.

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