Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


How did your xbox let you get 500GB of storage??
Ough i cant remember. Try googling! You need some software to change the format of the 2.5" HDD. It's fairly easy.
Hmm thanks for the tip...i have a full size hdd..
Hvad fanden? Hvorfor er vi danskere?
Det ved jeg sgu ikke :o
I have the same Ushanka! (Russian Hat)
Got it in Berlin! :)
Too much sunlight! Love the CCCP stuff too
Don't worry i have black blinds! ;)
Hows the mouse working for you? I have a friend that is looking into that model
It's perfect. Even beats the G500
Mine is great, I just wish it had a flawless sensor.
I have no idea on how to open it sorry. :p
I know! I didn't build the pc my self. I got a company to do it. :) i tried one time but that ended horribly bad.
The screws by the back of the case, there are two. Unscrew them and pull back the pannel.
I'm on work now, but op will surely deliver!
Yeah sorry about that. I was really tired after work. And it was too dark for any pictures.. Why would you want to see the inside anyway? :P
Undo the thumb screws on the back and pull the handle on the side towards the back and it should come off...
Is that a Fractal Design case?
Nice. It looks identical to the one I am thinking of upgrading to. (I literally think it might be a twin, just larger). I think it was called the R2 XL?
Yeah. Mine is the larger brother of yours. Literally looks identical. Mine is just a full ATX. And i was close. It is called the XL R2 instead of the R2 XL lol.
I hope my next build will be with the R4 as well. Do you find it as quiet as advertised?
Well it is pretty quit. Not completely sound proof.
I just got the Fractal Design Define Mini Black for use as an esxi host in my home lab. I love it. So simple yet well designed and clean.
Somebody seems to be Danish :D
Dansk som rød grøde med fløde ;p
Have the same mouse, I love it.
Besides the fact that I got a 7950 and my case has a window, our builds are virtually identical.
It's that a set of A40's I see there? Very nice. I'm selling my pair to upgrade to a set of A50's
Fuck that dude. You already have the mix amp, just get a pair of Sennheisers. Best headsets available.
That R4 is sweet. I have one myself as well, best case I have used so far. Very nice setup. :)
Wow there, is that a real skull? Sweet setup btw
Sadly no, it's a replica of a real skull.
Are you a Reconnaissance Marine?
Nope i'm only 17 haha. :D All of these things are bought from working. :)
I jusr got it today! I'll fix it later :)
I had no idea the Blue Snowball could be angled like that. Thanks OP!
Haha i was suprised aswell when i found out. :D
Awesome setup :) your discs burn my eyes though lol. maybe its just the OCD in me...
Well i have limited space. But i can assure you that they are placed alphabetically!
Noticed that you said the Xbox was 500gb, so therefor you must have a rgh console, nice, I've been looking at getting one but I have a hacked 750gb slim ps3 so I usually stick with it
Rgh? I just switched HDD's :P It's not that hard.
But the 360 only accepts up to 360gb hdd formatted there way..unless you jtag/rgh
I think you are right, it must be a 250 i got then! Sorry.
It is alphabetical though!
Haha well, what do you suggest then? :P
By console and alphabetically. That's how we do it in my home and therefore everyone should do it the same way.
Haha, i'll maybe change it later! ;)
The dreaded levitating power strip!
I have so much tape on it! ;P
Glem nu ikke resten af stjerneskuddet :3
Upvote for having the same laptop!
Mine is getting old. I can't really play anything other than CSS on it these days. Which is fine because i love that game. :)
Mine is actually the RV520 w/ the Core i3 and 4GB of RAM. I don't play any games on it, but it runs great. I'm disappointed with the cheap casing though. My lid is scratched to hell.
Can you tell about your desk and the locker? I really want to get something like that.
It should be fairly easy to find there. I dont have the names for the products though.
Ah. I will have to look it up on their website.
I like that laptop. How good is it for gaming/working? I have the crappiest HP laptop in the world, and I'm looking at one I can use for college and play teh vidya on it.
Well.. You can play a game like MW3 on it (Medium) My touchpad died after 2 years though-
Oh really? that's fantastic. I mainly play TF2, so I think this'll do. Thanks! And nice gaming setup btw.
It works fine with TF2. I primarily use it to play CSS though. :)
I like the Gorbachev doll
Got the same case, bro! Nice choice!
When i unpacked the PC.. Pretty much yeah...
I love the R4, using that for my server and I'm planning on getting the windowed variant of it when I do my next desktop refresh.
I have the windowed R4, it is fantastic! My graphics card has a built in blue light on it, so it looks kinda cool (but is really bright)
From what I've seen the windowed version looks really nice. The only part I'm not looking forward to is losing some of the sound dampening but that's okay.
I'm considering it for my next build. I'm wondering if you can answer this since you're an owner: does the door need to stay open to keep normal airflow, or does it say cool enough with the door closed? That feature has always been a mystery to me.
I leave the door closed, there are vents on the side of the door (about 1 inch between the door and where the fans are) that sucks in air. I only have one fan in the front and one in the back for general air flow and then I have an enclosed liquid cooled system which is taking in air from the bottom 120mm slot which is next to the PSU.
Is it me? Or finally setting up and working an updated PC the best feeling in the world?
I have been led to believe that a 3570K would bottleneck a 680. Am I wrong?
Yes definitely. It wouldn't bottleneck a 680 but it could bottleneck a SLi, if not overclocked.

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