Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


You sure? I know that's the same body as a few manufacturers. I don't see a brand logo (thought I don't know where it is for each company).
Max does custom LED jobs on select keyboards. It's rather pricey though. It does have the same body as an iOne, but the internals are entirely different.
I agree, it's a Max. I did a lot of looking around on heir site the other day (on module, can't link) and they have that exact body and the option to customize the LEDS individually for every single key.
Do you need a new one with a working caps lock key?
It's a MaxKeyboard Nighthawk X8 and just cheap roll of LEDs I got from ebay.
Does it change color with the screen?
Unfortunately not, it's entirely independent of the monitor.
Aw. I wish they sold a device that connected with USB that controlled the LED thats easy to set. Only method I know right now is Arduino :/
This might be a stupid question but... How have you wired them up? Or did they come with a wall adapter?
I bought a wall adapter separately for mine.
Looks awesome! What flavor keyboard is that? I love the different colors of backlighting.
I'm pretty sure it's from maxkeyboard. I own one and love it.
If that keyboard has cherry mx blues, then i really really really need to know where to get this.
So i would just order a custom one and tell them i want a rainbow lighting scheme?
Idk bit it seems pretty expensive cause if you want the fully programmable one you gotta ask for a quote
I'm not sure they'll know what you mean if you tell them you want rainbow. You'll probably have to say exactly what you want. Maybe send them OP's pic for reference.
You have to mark exactly what colour scheme you would like on a template and send it back to them.
Commenting to come back later to this. Thank you so much
I also own a max. cherry mx brown :)
Awesome, thanks for the info!
White, black, teal, and purple go together so well. Oh god that color scheme. Hnng
Thinking the same thing. Hard to tell from the pic. If they are OP, what mic do you have attached to them?
Looks like the Zalman clip-on mic. I have the same one.
Just the SR60i, planning on getting the SR325is sometime in the future.
Make sure you read up on them (or preferably listen to them in person), they have a very... hit-or-miss sound signature. Some love them, some find them too harsh/sibilant.
Thanks for your concern. A friend of mine has a pair with hand-made wooden ear cups and I quite like them.
How you liking that case? I have one in red, looking to get the 3 upgrade fans in soon too.
Do the Home, End, etc keys actually work or are those "new" keys? Just re-skins?
You can easily plop a key out and add another key.
Yes, they work exactly as if they were the standard key caps.
What type of cube do you use? Best time?
First thing I wanted to know too. Sticker-less GuHong over here. Sub 45 CFOP.
Stickerless ZhanChi, CFOP, 45s here too. Just started working on 1-look OLL. And my cross is terrible.
My cross is usually OK. My first F2L pair seems like it takes me minutes to find. I hate it so much. Once I get the first I'm OK but man, I stare at my cube for seconds doing nothing but looking for first pair.
Guhong V2, best time is 24 but I average 36.
Nice choice. i have the same model but my best time is 30s, I average 50.. so yeah, not as good as you :P
Is that the NZXT case or something like that? How do you like it? I was thinking of building my own PC in one although I'm a bit hesitant as I normally enjoy a glass siding.
NZXT Phantom 410, I have the same one and I love it :)
Yeah, Phantom 410. I have one and I love it. Great looks, easy cable management, lots of space, and easy to build in.
I'll third it. I have a Phantom 410 in gunmetal. Great case. Awesome cable management option.
I'll 4th it. Also have Gun Metal and love it to death.
Needless to say, I am jealous of you
I envy those who battle against a wall. I am in front of a window with blackout curtains so no good for any sort of LED lighting :(
Any reason you cant move you setup?
Well I still live with parents so only one room to work with, and said room has been jigsawed together so I can get in move around and watch the monitors from bed.
Buy a blackout curtain? I got a cheap rail and a single curtain for the window next to my bed for about $25 total.
I love that case! I've been eyeing it for awhile I must say it looks fantastic.
How much did your fully programmable keyboard cost? I'd really like to know
The MaxKeyboard Nighthawk X8 with standard backlighting costs ~$145, however the custom backlighting brings an additional cost that varies with the degree of customization.
By the look of yours isn't it fully customizable? If so how much did it cost?
I bought mine in a group buy, so it wasn't the regular price. I paid ~$200.
Looks good, but I think it would look a lot neater if the case wasn't on the desk.
Great station, looks comfortable, give it a 3.14159/π. Anyone know where I can get cool keys?
I have one question... Is it 'de rigueur' to have a 'Rubik's cube' in every shot of a gaming setup now? Still a nice setup though:)
Is it a Rubik's brand? What's your average? I was a huge cuber before this hole "Coolcomputersetups" thing.
Guhong V2 by Dayan. Average about 36.
What is that dock ? It looks pretty neat!
Fiio E17 DAC in the Fiio E09K Amp.
Ahh i see, thanks sir!
What kind of phone dock is that
S4 charging dock with a cradle in the back of it for charging an extra battery.
I have almost the EXACT same setup (including the ghost nebula bg) except for that fucking sweet keyboard. Nice work! :)
Can the keyboard switch colors (through software or hardware) or is this the only layout for the lighting?
Can only adjust the brightness level and it has a 'breathing' mode.
I have the same case! Nice setup. :)
That is one sexy tower and keyboard
Jony Ive redesigns the PC.
Mind if I ask how much you got yours for? Im actually not interested in getting it, just wondering how much of a premium there is for that customization.
It depends entirely on the level of customization, I bought mine in a group buy, so I couldn't tell you the regular price for the specific colour scheme that I have.
I like that light behind the monitor - what type of light is it exactly?
It's just a cheap led strip from ebay.
Would you be able to link to a strip similar to the one you bought? Also, how is it powered/connected?
Your graphics card is a biscuit (personal joke)
Is that windows 8? If so.. tell me if you're having any issues... with like steam or anything.
Cools I've been having a couple of issues with windows 8 lately.. and for some reason Steam updates when I double click but it never opens it's been like that for like 2 months... I haven't really been able to play much.

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